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Christian courtship during PhD away from home


I have one friend nearly in her 30's who has abstained from sex for religious reasons & another who after several crappy relationships and putting on loads of weight has totally lost confidence & hasn't had sex in years! Although I repsect both in their right to control their lives, I also can't help thinking its a bit dull & sad & they have missed out on an important part of the human existence.


Hello H!!! Are you named after the guy from the band Steps who is in Big Brother??? You all have great names on here!!!
This girl was sniffing around my girlfriend like a dog sniffing poopoo. She thought she could come and steal her away but my girlfriend is very polite and said it was harmless. So I got this girls number and put it on a website for prostitutes!!! She left us alone then and stayed away from our relationship that we have worked hard to build!!!


Hello again Pea!!! I think it is important to get some experience!!! I would hate to get married to someone who was rubbish in bed and didn't know what to do but to me sexual activity is part of a good relationship. But this is true for me and would not be true for everyone. Me and my girlfriend enjoy making woopee as it brings us together. She is pure lesbian but I am bi so sometimes she lets me bring a man in for certain parts. It works all round as we are mature enough to make these decisioins and enjoy ourselves!!! Glad you enjoy sex as much as I do!!!


I see your point but I think people should remember that sleeping around is not everyone's idea of fun, and we shouldn't all be made to feel like weirdos if we don't want to partake. From the age of 12 upwards my "friends" were pressurising me to sleep with men I didn't like at all, just for the "experience". I never gave in to it but the pressure never relented until, in the last couple of years, I decided to cut those people out of my life. And I think it's undignified to shout the intimate details about your personal life (going back to those women I was out with last Friday).


I totally agree with you juno, I think it is a personal choice whether to sleep around but I wonder how much it is to do with peer pressure.

So many people drink/smoke/take drugs just because other people are doing it and think it is "cool". It's probably the same with sex, "All my friends are doing it, so I better do it too".


It has come to my attention that this thread breaks the forum rules as it is "sexual in nature".

I believe the turning point was when Pea decided to declare the wonders of sleeping around.

She should be banned!


There's a lot of bad atmosphere around today... what's going on? :'(


Are we not allowed threads that are "sexual in nature"? I must look at the rules again...

On a totally different topic, where are all the Big Brother posts this year? Is it that boring now?


lol juno, you should start a BB thread in offtopics.


Naah, then it will be my inbox filled up


Why? Don't you just select to not receive emails if someone posts on your thread?

Ok I will do it.


I didn't know you could select that option. I need to pay more attention.


To BioReactor:

>Placing such strict criteria means you will probably never find >anyone. Or the ones you do find will be taken.

Granted. I thought I would never find anyone who fulfilled all the criteria, but I did. Unfortunately, as you said, she was taken. I'd rather remain alone for the rest of my life than settle down for less.

>This poor girl needs to be left alone if she already has a >boyfriend. There are more fish in the sea!!! I don't like people who >try and steal someone away someone tried to do that with my >girlfriend.

I've left her alone. That's the best I could do. And I'd rather die than try to steal her. Although I'm a non believer, I'll pray for her happiness and for someone else as good as her to show up "in the sea". The key is to have faith and keep the eyes open I suppose, but never to lower expectations.


I mean, I've never lowered my expectations when it comes to jobs, universities (LSE, Oxbridge) and I've always been right, so I don't see any reason why I should settle down for less now.


to be honest: a relationship is slightly different to your job - and add a lot of sarcasm to slightly. For a job it si fair enough to settle for the best but finding a partner is hardly like a job
1. you are not finished with the contract after xy years
2. you cannot quit
3. there should be a bit more emotion in it
I hope you find the right partner for you but perhaps you should just start to be open instead of painting a picture and if it doesn't match - tough