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Goals for next year?


======= Date Modified 21 Dec 2009 12:53:39 =======
My goals are very much likes Sue's...

- submit thesis, have viva, hopefully pass viva with few corrections, do those and re-sumbit... hopefully be completely done and graduated by July.

- get a job

- plan a trip somewhere fantastic and disappear for a while.

Fingers crossed....:-)


1. pass my viva (8 more weeks)
2. find a postdoc away from my current university
3. move into an exciting city
3. learn greek
4. take up a few hobbies again i had to shut down during my phd
5. visit at least 3 friends i havent seen in years

if i manage 4/5 i will be happy already :-)


1. Finish reserach
2. Write some chapters
3. Publish at least one paper
4. Go on holidays on a beautiful Greek island
5. Visit friends that I have left at the place I used to live and work 3 years ago (again on a very beautiful Greek island!!!!)


My goals:

1. submit thesis (spring time!)
2. pass viva (and hopefully only minor corrections! please!!(sprout))
3. have a nice relaxing break (short holiday will do)
4. start new job (already kind of lined up)
5. lose some weight/get fit
6. more fun activities with boyfriend
7. visiting far away friends and more socialising
8. go to dentist
9. fix my bike
10. wean myself off postgraduateforum
11. ok, basically catch up on all things I have been putting off as to not distract myself away from PhD

12. Maybe "being realistic" should in there somewhere.. (robin)

Oh Sue, may it indeed be a productive 2010! Yes, please.


======= Date Modified 21 Dec 2009 18:59:25 =======
Mine are:

1. Pass Mid-point progression (all the others depend on this!)
2. Publish a paper
3. Organize a conference
4. Go on a holiday/mini break
5. See friends more!

ETA: 6. SAVE SOME MONEY. Crucial for when I inevitably go over my 3 year time frame.


My things to do next year...

- UPGRADE! Has to be done by mid January... Everything else PhD related rather hangs on this!
- complete a draft of my two close-text chapters on themes and structure
- get married!
- successfully give my first non-postgrad paper
- get something published
- not quit my PhD in despair! :p


My goals:

FINISH! Submission July; Viva September/October; Graduation December.

Book proposal submitted to a University Press by Easter (have been encouraged by a series editor to do this, so not getting ahead of myself).

Prepare post-doc applications for academic year 2011/12.

Sort out teaching (preferably new courses, or even my own course!) for 2010/11.

Another journal article submitted by end 2010 (I have two coming out in April 2010!)

Not much then! Oh no!