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Have you done anything unproffesional or stupidly inappropriate?


A shocking fart story. Shocking. I'm laughing as I type. Fantastic.


In order to provide you with more details:

it didn't smell luckily, however, the noise could probably be heard in the office next door and in the corridor..


More shocking!


Yeah thats made me feel much better. I can't stop giggling! Its going to be one of those stories whee if you think about it again later in the day, you stil can't help but giggle.

Reagent measurer-sounds like something I would do.

I think the whole point of this MSc to me, is to learn about things other than the course material. Its like an introduction to the real world. Where you have to learn how to behave with academics and tc. professionals, learn to deal with issues yourself etc etc. Its really been a learning curve for me. Like what happened today-maybe I took it too out of proportion. All I have to do is explain myself and not do something like that again. Its not like its going to affect my project, or my course in any way, only if I let it affect me then it will. Man this is starting to sound like a weblog now! I'll stop before I divulg my deepest inner secrets.

Any more stories?


At least you weren't taking photos of your naughty bits *wink*


Great fart story indeed. Still giggling.

Any more stories?


Ignore my last post, didn't realise there was another page. I'm so thick.


I don't think I've done anything "inappropriate", but I do tend to panic and rush into experiments without planning them thoroughly (usually cos some industrial partner is pestering me for the results "urgently" - they always seem to be bloody urgent). So i end up having to re-do everying which is expensive and time consuming and probably makes people think I don't know what I'm doing.

I have burped in front of my supervisor but he just laughed. Burping is acceptable in my family so I never thought anything of it.


Ahhh, you havent beaten the fart story though


i dont have anything embarressing that i have done in front of my supervisors but i have had quite a few moments of 'god what was i thinking'. Alcohol has99% of the time been involved but why am i never drunk enough to forget the mortification - it rears its ugly head years later and wont leave me alone.


This is from school, not uni, but there was a lad who decided to, er, "examine" some of his own cells (for want to a better way of describing it) under a microscope, but got caught during the production of said cells. I hope the microscope slide was disposed of


fart and sperm are neck and neck


lol!! What a great thread XD


He's a true scientist at heart...when they'd do anything. LOL