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I am approaching the edge of collapse...


Hi Smilodon

Thank you very very much for your helps and sharing your experience with me. I fell a bit better when i posted ther and much better now. I was afraid people will judge me. Thank you.

Yes, i totaly agree with you. The PhD is NOT a person's life. I fell I am ony like a isolated prisoner with certain seemingly freedom.

Quote From Smilodon:

You should contact your university counselling service and/or medical centre - there should be one - and see someone asap. Believe me, they will have talked to many students feeling as you do now - counsellors have heard it all and understand these situations. Or perhaps you have a graduate tutor for your dept or faculty that you can talk to. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I have felt like this in the past and got help either through the university medical centre or my gp. A PhD is not a person's life - whether it goes well or not. Here is another website that I have used in the past:

3 am is never a good time to think about your life! How are you feeling today?


Dear Angle

Thank you for your understanding and kindness .................................................


Quote From angelofthenorth:

Hey Sabrina,
Hang in there honey. Its natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes and sitting on your own at 3am in the morning is a very sad and lonely place to be BUT nothing, especially not a phd is worth ending your life over.

You are clearly a very articulate and sensitive person and have been very brave and strong in trying to deal with these feelings on your own but the time has come to let someone in. Please go and talk to counsellors or your GP, they are the experts at this sort of stuff and can help you find the way forward.

A further expression of the strength you've been showing so far is to tackle this stuff head-on and start sorting it out, you can climb out of that dark pit but you might need someone else to help you understand how - there is no shame or embarrassment in this, you would seek help, probably without question, if it were a physical illness making you feel this way.

You can get well and this is the most important thing.



Dear Lara

I couldn't thank you more for what you've written. Now, I make my mind to speak to the counseller in our uni tomorrow. Then, I will report the result and my next step here if you don't fell annoyed by me.

Lara, thank you.


Quote From Lara:

I agree with what everyone has said, they are absolutely right, nothing in this world, if ever worth ending your precious life, and you do deserve this life, of course you do. and there is no shame in failing, absolutely none at all! it doesnt define you as a person.

i know how you are feeling, i was going through a very dark period a couple of months ago, and i had suicidal thoughts aswell, i just wanted it to all just go away, i would never actually go through it, but did fantasise about it just ending everything. i was too shameful to tell my parents or my friends and kept pretending everything was fine, plus my supervisors were being horrid to me aswell, but i discovered this forum and got alot of support and help, and it really helped to change things around. trust me, there is always a solution to everything, no matter how hopeless.

i had recieved a letter from my uni saying i must submit my thesis or i would be terminated, at the time, i had hardly written any of my thesis. my supervisors were saying i am a failure and didnt believe i would be able to finish my thesis and were quite aggressive and intimidating to me. i had alot of pressure from my family to pass my phd. one day i just broke down and couldnt stop crying. eventually little by little, i got abit better, i first went to a counseller, spoke to friends, spoke to members on this forum. took a break from it all, and just thought, i will just try my best and whether i fail or not , that doesnt matter, as long as i try my best. i was very close to quitting. and this is after 7 years of work put into my phd, but only the last 2 years where i started on a new project that finally got me results.

trust me, i feel like a failure, but now i dont care. i am just trying my best, i have a few weeks to finish my thesis, which is still very incomplete, but i just take it day by day.

what i do want to share with you, is this:

"failure is about behaviour, outcomes and results, failure is NOT a personality characteristic. although what you do may not give you the result you wanted, it doesnt mean you are a failure! because you made a mistake, doesnt mean that you are a failure"

also i think perhaps now would be a good time to first: seek counselling at your university, every university has a counseller and it is completely confidential. and then speak to your supervisor, that you feel sick and take some time off and perhaps if you can visit your family. you need a break from it all to gain perspective.

i hope you are feeling better, everyone goes through what your going through. i've gone through it many times. its constant up and down. just everyday you gotta keep fighting it.

how are you feeling today? please remember that whether you pass your phd or not, is not important. what is important is your mental health. a phd does not deserve the sacrifice of your life, its just a degree at the end of the day, and the world is your oyster, you can do whatever you want. there are always other options and things that you might find that you can really excel in.

i am sure you are doing the best you can in your phd.


Dear Juno

Thank you very very much for your post. I am so lucky for finding this forum. Yes, you are right. I am far far away from my home, my families and friends. I know they all love me and care about me so much. That's why I can't bear to expose any little bit worries of mine to them. I am sure any suffering what i've been going through will double for them if they get to know.

Thank you Juno. I will speak to out counseller tomorrow. And will report to you all here if you guys would like to continue to bear my speaking and support me.

Yes, you and Smilodon are right. 3am is a bad time to think or reflect life-related things, especially during this tough period. Sigh..


Quote From juno:

Hey, Sabrina -

First of all: you must understand that you are not alone. You are not alone in your feelings: they are feelings that a lot of us recognise. And as Smilodon said, there is something about 3am that magnifies those feelings! And anyone who has shared those feelings will tell you - it will pass. Although it feels as if you will never be normal again - you will be. Your mind is playing tricks on you at the moment.

And you are not alone because there are a lot of people - trained, professional people, at your university - who are standing ready to help you. You just have to ask. As soon as you walk into the counsellors' office they will understand why you are there and they will begin to help you get better.

From your post it sounds like you are away from home; is that right? So don't be hard on yourself: it is not easy feeling sad away from home. I would ask you to call at your university student welfare office tommorow: they will have a counsellor available. Can you do that? And let us know what happens. Do keep in touch with us: you posted this message only a few hours ago and you have 6 friends already!



Hi Sabrina,

We all have hard time during our PhD journeys, some more than others, but overall everyone struggles at a point. You are not alone, there are many caring people in this forum whom you can share your problems with. From your post I believe that you are from an eastern culture (like me) that emphasises a lot on the family and society. I understand that the family/society can be very harsh in judging a person by his/her achievements or lack of them. But don't care about them, do what you want to do, not what others expect you to do. Do the PhD because you want to do it, not because you have to!!!

I struggled a lot during my PhD, but I kept thinking about it as an experience, you stand, then you walk, then you fall, but u have to stand again and keep walking and eventually you will reach what you want. It is a long learning process and we should not be afraid to make mistakes. Most people can't understand how stressful a PhD can be, so you did the right thing by posting in this forum, since all of us understand what you are going through.

Take things easily, day by day and step by step. Focus on the most important thing first, which is now your health, other things can and should wait. When you feel better and your confidence has returned you can then deal with the PhD.

Best wishes,


Dear Hartigan

Thank you sooo much for all what you said to me. You are so right, so many time has being sucked. Terrible. OMG, how stupid I am.

Thank you


Quote From hartigan:

Hey take a deep breath and relax.
Maybe you are a little bit more sensitive and take many stupid things that happen during a PhD (or life in general) much more seriously than you should.
I mean even the idea of ending your life over something-I don't know what is your main issue here- is extremely extreme as there is NOTHING in this life worth killing yourself for. I bet there are many people that love you and care for you and will definitely help you if you talk to them.
BEWARE--> Keeping all theses problems to yourself only makes things WORSE-Find someone to talk ASAP.

If you have any professionals in your uni that can assist you go to them first thing tomorrow and I guess you must also inform your family about these issues and try to find a solution. Trust me , you start to solve such emotional problems as soon as you start talking about them to people that care to help you first.

Accept the fact that you are facing emotional problems and seek help SOON-Most people face such emotional problem during their life and this is not something you should be ashamed of.

As soon as you recognize the problem you must ask for help and everything will be OK. And stop being pessimistic-I think when most people are so depressed get this feeling that everything they do sucks big time (I do that all the time) but when you recover you realize that this was absolutely irrational thinking.

Hope you feel better soon


Dear Joyce

Thank you sooo much for your comfort and advices. I will take what you all advised-- speak to a counseller of our uni tomorrow. Yes, I do be a new in this area. Totally new form my previous area. Sigh, my own decision. And I do fell better when I am reading your guys posts and replying. I fell i am not lonely or helpless at all. Thank you.


Quote From joyce:

I agree with everything others have said

Are you still new to your research? to move to a different place is always a big step, and to take on a research project is difficult too. Even when you know your way round a little it is the start of a whole new way of working it is a very steep learning curve and it needs time to settle in, and unfortunately this is sometimes not recognised by the university, it doesn't come overnight, or even in the first few years but somehow many of the academics and others too seem to expect you to know everything straight away, some expect too much as they have forgotten what it was like to be in your position.- and some may be good academically but not so good at people skills, they never get taught that bit! Things will get better. Do go to student welfare as a start, in a week or so there will be a load of new students around, you might want to try to join in a few of their activites just to give yourself a bit of a break from your studies. don't ever think of yourself as a failure, how can that possibly be so? However we all go through the same sort of thing, is our work good enough? does it make sense? etc. etc. and we have all had the work we have spent ages on sent back with comments that make your heart sink but that is where this forum comes in, look upon it as somewhere to get support because we have all been there and will be there until we get the thing finished and know what it is like.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.


All of friends here:

Although I've already replied all posts individually, still please allow me to thank you all again. This is abslute my first time to post this kind of so personal stuff online. To be honest, I didn't expect too much from here at the beginning, I thougt there was nobody would be intersted in me, let alone help. I even worried whether I will receive some cynical comments. I was so afraid of cold words. If i didn't fell so desperate, helpless, lonely and terrified, I will never ever dare to ask help vie internet. But, things've turned out to be so unexpected. You know what? I kept crying when I read your replies, so warm, kind and genuine. Thanks god. There is this forum in this world. And, i didn't miss it.

A whole-hearted thank you for all your kindness



You see-as soon as you start talking to people about these stuff, things start to improve! Very glad you feel better already!
Please let us know about your progress!!


Hi Sabrina,

I've been following your thread, but didn't get a chance to post before, sorry about that. I'm so glad to hear that things are brighten up for you and that at least you get a different (not so negative) perspective that allows you to see your options. I just wanted to add that if you'd like to discuss the content of your research, perhaps you'd post some details about it and, I'm sure, people depending on their areas will help. I for once know that this is a huge source of frustration and disappointment, since sometimes even when you are doing fine, you can not know because there is no one around to discuss progress or to compare yourself with others; academic departments and supervisors are not great at this.

How are you getting on otherwise? We'd love to hear from you :-)


Quote From SadSabrina:

But I've found i am in a vicious circle. The more sorry I fell to all the people who care about me, the more guilty i fell, the stronger the desire of 'running away' becomes. I want to please and satisfice everybody so much. I can't imagine how could i face the humiliation if Ithe PhD turn out to be a my big failure. i CAN'T. I prefer death to humiliation. Shame shame shame on me. What a coward I am.

Sabrina, i completely understand your feeling about humilation about failure. i also feel like that, and broke down one day infront of my parents, and told them i dont really care about passing the phd for me, but for them, because they would be ashamed, and my dad said to me, that he doesnt care whether i pass or fail, but to just give it my best shot, and told me, sincerely, that if i just try my best, whatever the outcome, it doesnt matter. and i am sure your mom would say the exact same thing. there is no shame or humilation in failure, as long as you try your best, passing or failing is out of your hands, do your best, that is all we can do! i personally think i am going to fail my phd, but i thought well i have nothing to lose, might aswell just try at least. and if i do fail, it wont be the end of the world, and people will get over it and i will move onto something else. trust me, your family especially your mom if she knew, would tell you to quit tommorow rather than lose her daughter to a phd, a phd is nothign compared to how she feels about you.
and you're not a coward, because you're here, seeking help and admitting to how you feel. and you havent done anything, those thoughts, we all have. trust me, i think about running away or throwing my phd out of the window several times in a day! we are not judged by our inner thoughts but by our actions.


Quote From SadSabrina:

Yes, i totaly agree with you. The PhD is NOT a person's life. I fell I am ony like a isolated prisoner with certain seemingly freedom.

exactly! we all feel like that. a prisoner. you should come by the accountability thread and read our posts we have our ups and downs... we almost feel like we're hostages. so you're not alone in feeling this way. a phd is just so overwelming.


Quote From SadSabrina:

Dear Lara
I couldn't thank you more for what you've written. Now, I make my mind to speak to the counseller in our uni tomorrow. Then, I will report the result and my next step here if you don't fell annoyed by me.
Lara, thank you.

You are such a cutiepie! you're very very welcome, i am so glad you are going to the counseller, yes please please do tell us how it went, we're all here rooting for you!! and that was so kind of you to give everyone an individual thank you. you really are such a kindhearted person. i'm glad you're feeling abit better now
i think i am quite like you. i dont like opening up to people about worries or burdening them. i want to just deal with it by myself, but sometimes you just have to let it out. the very act of just even writing it down and sharing it with strangers in a forum such as this, can help, becuase it stops the thoughts running around your head. i find it hard to tell my friends and family, so i just come here and download all my worries and fears. and noway are we annoyed, not at all! we just want to help you get better and be there for you :-)


You can get through this.

I remember when I was aproaching my viva and I was crying hysterically on my bed, thinking that if I failed.. my life would be over - Yes, people are right when they say 'Other things in the world are more important' but at the time *my* PhD was *the* most important thing in my life... I mean, we do it over a number of years, day in.. day out - so I think should you have every right to feel like it's a big part of your life and don't feel guilty for that.

You are probably faced with an awful lot of self doubt, worry, and fear: Can you finish this? What still needs to be done? What if you fail? How will you tell people?

Ignore them and focus on primary question:

What can I do to make me pass my PhD?

If you feel your research has lost direction, stop.. and refocus... if you feel you are being pulled in too many directions, stop and make some decisions... There are usually ways to sort these things out and sometimes the BEST thing you can do is take a break, even for 24 hours, a weekend... clear your head and before you go... ask yourself 2 or 3 main PhD questions you wish to solve. Then, after your break, you come back... and you tackle one or more of these questions.

You have to drag yourself up as noone else will.. you need to think about your graduation day, think about how happy you will be that you can call yourself 'Doctor' and think that once your viva is over, the pressure lifted from your shoulders will be immense - only you can get to that day... so don't panic, break all problems up and keep going.

I've said it before, but the biggest challenge of my PhD wasn't the intellectual stuff ( 'cos I am not that bright) it was the flipping determination I had to show.. day after day... revision after revision.. it was utterly, utterly crap - but I am very glad I didn't give up and that was the right choice for me.

Best of luck :-)



you sound to strike a chord here, you have said v important thing v simply

phd is a very challenging undertaking which will expose you to many faces of yourself
and more than intelligence it is the inetrnal strength that will make us overcome whatever is that holding us back.