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I am approaching the edge of collapse...


As you have seen already from other posts you are not alone! But I just wanted to add that I know how you are feeling - several years ago when I was doing my undergrad degree I had a really bad year where I was totally depressed. I don't really want to spill all the details on a public forum, but I went to talk to the student counseller which helped. You definitely need to talk to someone and I understand that sometimes you can't say these things to people close to you because you don't want to upset them.

I think the most important thing that I realised since then is: Life will go on, and you won't always feel this way. I know when you are in the middle of it you feel like you were always this sad and you always will be, but that's not true. Things will get better! You just need to deal with the problem by talking to someone about it. Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon!


"Thank you Juno. I will speak to out counseller tomorrow. And will report to you all here if you guys would like to continue to bear my speaking and support me. "

We'd definitely like to hear from you! You're part of the forum family now

Glad you are feeling a bit better; I hope you see now that you are not alone, and that a lot of people have been in your shoes. It cannot be easy for anyone studying far from home. Is there anyone else from your home country at your university?


Me again.

You told us that your father passed away last year; I am sorry to hear this. It may be that your feelings are still connected to this; a year is not a long time. Anyway do not be hard on yourself for having sad feelings: they are not cowardly, they are human.



i hope you are feeling better now... see you 'r on your way to gaining back your confidence and strength in life
wao, you seem like an incredibly wonderful person, thanking e one individually, what a genuine, warm and sincere person you are. I have observed people who appreciate life and people, they are often too hard on themselves
You are wonderful because even in your own ordeal, you worry about how it would impact others....which makes you more stressed
see you already have friends here
PhD is tough, life is tough, but you dont need to be tough on yourself

we all are here, whenevr you need us...

(and one more thing, it is these life rocking moments that we realize what life is actually about, and we learn about ourselves and life, things we would have never learned otherwise.. it makes you deeper and solid..... i think you haven't lived a life, if you have never been through these shaking moments....these moments are the best teachers)