To be honest, it's getting rarer Sadly, lots of people will unapologetically opt for the blunt/brash option these days. You even see a kind of, 'And what are you going to do about THAT?!' look in some people's expressions after they've bumped into you (for example).
I know British people have a reputation for not complaining either, but I find that I can't ignore bad service - more people are learning how to assert themselves where that is concerned.
Worse than British people, I find, are those 'syrupy' Americans who are all 'Have a nice day' etc. - I can't believe that they actually care. I know it's a stereotype (largely based on one particularly annoying woman I know - I'm not trying to offend the greatest nation on earth or anything), but only in the same way as the 'British people are polite' generalisation.