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It has come to this...


So far I've limited myself to reading these fora but thought it was only fair to mention this...
I've spent the last 6 months doing admin temping in a mental health NHS trust- which for me was just the first thing the agency found, but might be more suitable for you- at least you'll be in contact with practicing psychologists, and surrounded by books and journals- even if you're only typing up other people's reports and minuting what other people say in meetings, if you're doing admin work anyway it could be better to be doing admin temping in a related field. I know this agency have a lot of bookings in that NHS trust but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name them on here?
(And I came to them with very little actual admin experience, they just gave me their standard computer tests to do and realised that I had picked up those skills during my degree.)


Howdy folks,
Its been a few months and I am still temping. Although there have been several different offices it feels like the same old place. You turn up, no one knows who you are and you do the work that no one else seems to want to do. One good thing is that even though managers and some co-workers give you crap and engage in office politics, I have found my years in academia have given me this bulletproof skin, so their comments don't get to me.

I have applied for pretty much every job I have seen in journals and online, with little luck. I guess there must be a PhD oversupply or something. I have had a few interviews and some good feedback, but most jobs seem to get taken by internal people.


Thats fair enough I suppose. Before the holidays, several of my friends have gotten temporary post-docs, or teaching support roles, but even these have dried up due to summer. Also most of them seem to constantly moan about them as they tend to be insecure, have very few benefits, and have little to do with what they want to study.

What is good is that I am no longer homeless, but have moved into a house I share with about 6 other people (although it has been said that being nearly 30, with a PhD, people had expected more from me by this age). What really sucks is that my ex-girlfriend who has just finished her doctorate has just been offered a job with her first interview

God if only I knew 4 years ago, what I do now...


Badhaircut, it's good to hear from you, even if there's no good news - I'd been wondering what had become of you.
I just moved into a houseshare with 3 others myself and know what you mean - it's not the style of living others nor myself expected of me at my age. But then, it could be worse. For me, the upside is that every sacrifice is for getting a PhD that I want. For you - any day now you'll get a good job, I'm sure of it, don't give up hope. Then you'll have more opportunities to chose where and how you want to live.
Good luck!


I'm glad you have a maybe better job and someonewhere to live. That really sucks about your ex and her job, I'd be furious.
I worked in a 1 week temp job last week on reception and got literally shouted at twice by a woman for forwarding important calls to her-which she chooses not to take, even as supervisor. I couldn't work out if her or my supervisor was worse.
The advantage with having "experience" in temp work is you can target better jobs. They refuse to believe you can walk the job if you don't have recent experience of stuffing envelopes!


In what area/field did your ex-girlfriend complete her PhD?


BHC, good so see you back, glad you have found somewhere to live.

I was talking to a lecturer today who saidthat the current lack of jobs is mainly down to the upcoming RAE. Therefore many departments are going into "lockdown" to maximise their output. Hiring new staff at this stage won't benefit them in RAE terms as people usually have to serve 3 months notice and won't get to a new job in time to count towards RAE stats. I've heard stoies about some people having difficulty leaving if they've been offered new posts as their employers are being obstructive. However once RAE is over there'll be more movement again.

RogueAc, I'm sure I read that BHC's ex did a a professional doctorate for a particular role, not a proper PhD. (Sorry to answer for you BHC, correct me if I'm wrong


I know its probably beem said already but what field is BHC in?