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Modern art? For or against?

hmm, not sure if that is taking the piss out of the tree - I mean trees had to be cut down to make the paper the tree is made out of, so they are literally mocking the tree - poor tree!

I think this stuff is fine, as long as people don't get paid for it cos its basically messing about - urgh I'm dangerously close to daily mail territory.

**Sneaks runs and hides under The Guardian for some perspective**


tis true. It probably would have been better if they had made it out of clay or something.

Students always read the guardian for some strange it that good?

well its not the daily mail which I hate - I live with someone who reads that and the stuff they spout is ridiculous! To be honest, I don't ever buy a copy of the guardian cos I'm skint :$


I'm quite lucky really coz my uni sells them all at about a third or a half of the price. I can get the independent or the telegraph for about 40p.