I am in exactly the same boat - I am just finishing my second year and am doing a project with a gov't department. My sup gave me the whole summer to get my lit review done, and to do the data analysis for my 1st study (yes, I said 1st!). However, I have moved house and am now living in shared accomodation, where my desk is in a communal area - I am struggling to do any work and my sup just won't take it as an excuse - I daren't even try! At this very moment I have a 5 year old asking me how to spell things - its a complete nightmare. But I do have every faith that I will get a lot done by xmas if I carry on the way I have been - putting in solid 9-8 days 6-7 days a week. Best bet is to write up a list of things to do for the next year, then for each term, then for each month, then each week, then each day! Then you can gradually see yourself ticking things off and it won't seem so daunting!