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Oh my dayz how can they do this! I was just informed that i can't start my PhD this month ..........


any news?


Thank jojo.
Well, the visiting professor, myself and some others that deal with funding in the Uni had a little meeting to discuss some opportunities available. There is, but not too suitable for a long-term project required for a phd, except a company is willing to take me on i.e fund me to undertake a project in their establishment.
After much pressure, my supervisor has decided to write a proposal today, which I could then use to apply for funding. So he's writing one and the visiting Prof. is writing another.
And since i do not want to rely totally on them, i contacted the project manager (that i turned down) who offered to help with a project. He's said no guarantees but he'll make some contacts on my behalf.
So things aren't looking too bad at the moment and all hope is not lost. I will remain optimistic.


perhaps you should apply to other universities? If the people at your university are wasting your time, you can have a plan-B. There are many opportunities advertised on this site, and Good luck.


Yeah, i am checking out other offers in other unis that i could go for. This may sound daft, but i want to give them a little chance before i defect.


No, I don't think it's too daft to give them a chance, but yeah, keep on looking. It doesn't sound like they're too reliable. At least you've got these people working on your behalf, though, so they sound as though they are keen to have you working with them.

I really hope it works out, because it sounds as though you haven't been treated very well here.


They do want me onboard 'cos i did really well as an undergraduate and they believe i'm capable, that's why they were quick to offer me the position. I feel i owe them a chance at least, even if theres a little glitch at the moment.

Thanks a lot. How is yours going?


You say 'AFTER MUCH PRESSURE your supervisor decide to write a proposal' - this is a bad sign. You're probably going to have to pressurize your sup every time you need something throughout the course of your PhD, and he'll end up hating you, which will make life even more difficult. This supervisor should be given a student who doesn't want to work!


Exactly sue! I've come to realise that for anything to get done by the academics around here, you have to nag them.....a lot. I've been told this as well by other administrators who've had to put up with them.