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PhD and pregnancy- advise needed


hai preeti and rick,
thanks for the reply .Looked really sensible. My partner is convinced and happy to wait till I finish my lab work. So no worries for now .Iam just trying to finish the lab work soon


1) the worst time to work in the lab with chemicals is in the first 12 weeks as this is when most development occurs. Trust me abnormality scans after spilling ethidium bromide are not fun (2nd child)

2) Besides your brain goes to mush when you are pregnant (I know i'm studying with number 3)

3) It can sometimes take ages to get pregnant and the fertility clinic wont see you til you'ev been trying for at least 6-12 months. Stay on the pill and he'll never know you aren't trying plus you are super fertile when you come off it (this last point is a joke secrecy in relationships is naughty)


can anyone explain how laser or X-ray related work can affect to the pregnancy please?


X-rays could potentially induce mutations in the DNA of either ovum or sperm. Not sure about lasers other than than they couldproduce retinal damage if you stared straight at them.