I accept your last point.
Still I think it's not possible to compare a Phd with a job in industry or most other jobs.
A PhD is entirely different. It's much more difficult on a mental level. The pressure of the unknown (novel research)and many other factors make it very easy to think that quitting is necessary. I know that because I encounter such a situation almost every week.
However, in my opinion, it is no good to quit. You say that a PHD IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. I agree. But our friend here says: I quit and I apply for a new one. So your point is not applicable in this specific case.
Nevertheless, if someone decides a PhD is no good for them, then I don't think it's bad to quit.
but I hate it if people quit and say:" I'll just try again"
You don't know the situation, though. That's the whole point. For all you know, Gene's realised that the subject he's working on really isn't for him. I've forked on a subject I don't like for 2 weeks, and that was hell - I would hate to think I would have to live like that for 3 years, just for letters after my name. His situation may not be that, but may be something equally bad. Why does Gene have to stick with his first choice? Everyone makes mistakes. He's realised that early and is doing something about it.
And he didn't waste your time. You did.
However, I think a frank opinion such as you give DOES help. Sometimes, though, you may be a little ~too~ frank :s
What I think think ULUG is trying to get at is that Gene appears to be exactly in the same position as he/she was 6 months ago. So what, he/she'll apply for another position, why shouldn't it be exactly the same? you know what they say: a bad workman blames his tools and all that...
If Gene said something like "these are the errors I've made and this is what I'm going to do to avoid them next time" that would be a positive step. At the moment all it sounds like from an observer's perspective is that there's a poblem that seems difficult to work so he/she'll abandon it for something easier.
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