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Quitting after first year


i think judging by those in the lab who started at the same time as me .... this is normal!!!!! Its because you feel out of your depth.... i think that if you make a list or an action plan of what has to be done and by when.... then things may seem better.


Cheers all for your advice, and Ginny hope that your feeling better about things. Just got back from the week away and almost managed to forget about stuff for a while. But back and missing the French food and wine! Had the meeting with gaduate tutor who was really helpful and supportive, in some ways reassured me, in others still just as worried. Anyway it seems that my options are threefold, get a suspension for a few months, withdraw, or carry on. What's hanging over everything are the implications for my studentship, if I withdraw will I have to pay back last years amount and if I get a suspension will they withdraw it completely...eek!


Just to let you know, had chat with supervisor ect and have hopefully emerged from dark period. Got over my jitters and realised can do this damm thing, so not quitting. Cheers v much to you all, for your advice was a great help to me during this sticky patch. Will carry on posting on forum tho, as in danger of becoming addicted, wish I'd found this place earlier!