======= Date Modified 15 Apr 2010 01:00:21 =======
Not really on topic this, but it's not worthy of an entire thread.
Just forced myself back into work mode after the Easter break by going on mytomatoes. I'm only an occasional user of the site and often use it one day and then forget it the next. However, what did motivate me is the word counts that I had put on my previous tomatoes (I normally label the tomatoes what doc it is and how many words it is up to.) Despite thinking I pretty much hadn't done any writing for the past two months one document has mysteriously gained 5000 words (from being 300.) Not saying that 2500 words a month is good going but it is nice to see when you have actually made some progress.
More on topic, is banging out a thousand (good) words a day for the next week and a half an achievable aim? I want to get my upgrade document sorted soonish and I think I should have more physical evidence (rather than some thoughts kicking about) of my progress so far.
Also (this is the edit), I've decided to give up beer for the rest of this month. I'm not really a fan of other forms of alcohol, so this is kinda giving up alcohol, but in a far less anti-social and adventurous way. That is my goal for the next two and a half weeks - no beer.