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the sounds of silence..


Why don’t u just download ur own set of music 2 ur laptop, play it while u r at univ?



olivia, You're going to love this one. This is what I listen to every day while I'm They've got listings of radio stations in the States and what type of music the station plays, so you could even listen to a station from your hometown if it's listed! Enjoy...


Hi Olivia,

I didn't know anyone else found the hustle and bustle of coffee shops an ideal place to study! I refer to the couple I prefer in the town near me as my 'second office' and everyone knows where I mean no-one minds me as I carry on all day nursing a few large mugs of coffee, and the manager always smiles and looks pleased when I arrive (I think because I come in early and stay by the window it makes his coffee shop look popular?)



I've often seen people studying in coffee shops. I doubt they'd mind so long as you buy a few drinks and it's not too busy.

Also i'll second or pandora. type in an artist and they play you oter things you might like.


i really can't work to music, people talking away in the background is entirely different though, and in fact even the uni resaurant is OK. However the library has a silent area where I tend to work,if not working at home, mainly because the rest of the library is so noisy it sounds more like a party going on! Weekends are different though, much quieter - probably the people there are the ones who can't think of any excuse for not getting their work in on Monday morning . The new thought is though that you should revise for exams in silence, so the conditions mimic the exam room conditions in which you will have to write down all the facts you have committed to memory - perhaps you should mention this to the niosy ones in the library otherwise get the libarian to do the dirty work and tellethem off


Studying envinronments are quite different for most people. Genrally i do not mind a little background noise but for something i need to total concentration to understand, absolute silence is needed


I am quite proud of myself... students chatting in the silent study area again and I go so annoyed in the end I told them shut up and they did (and they didn't do anything bad back - yet) hehe


Why should you expect them to do anything bad as retaliation? They were clearly in the wrong.


I don't know really... to make a sweeping generalisation here - they are probably undergrads and in my experience of undergrads I am programmed to expect retaliation to some degree


I have often thought that we have the entire plan of life backwards. You should retire from about 18-35--travel, party,get married and have children, whatever, on a pension, and then go and get your education or trade, and work until you are 80 or as long as you want. Education is wasted on young people to some extent who are more concerned with booze than books. But they could take advantage of broadening their horizons ( think of it as a gap decade) and then make more informed personal choices about career and work with some basis for the decision. How can you decide what you want to do in life when you have experienced none? On the flip side, it seems that people remain healthy and happy longer when they are busy and engaged with something, so why force people to retire at some arbitrary age, why not let them be productive as long as they want to and can?


This would also eliminate the horrible problems that face women who want to stay home with children and worry about career, or expenses. There would be no need to have to choose--if you were on your gap decade, it coincides with the prime child bearing years ( realizing that of course many women give birth after 35 without a hitch). This is a perfect plan, this plan of mine. Now how do I get put in charge to implement it!?


@ mokey- probably, but not if they've got any sense.