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viva - how long to prepare



I'm in the same boat as the first poster, I work full time (lecturer) and I'm doing my PhD viva in a few days. I submitted in August 2007 and had a mock from hell a week before which demonstrated while I was brilliant at finding typos and reconstructing sentances I'd forgotton most of the details of my PhD.

I've spent since then doing thesis read thoughs and writing crib sheets, checking for any holes and looking for things I've misunderstood or misinterperated. I've made alot of progress since the mock and probably understand significantly more about some of the background material than I did when I subimitted the thesis. I only work on the PhD one day a week, normally I use the weekends to sleep (I do a 2 hour commute to work).


I'm going to finish my outstanding bits and bobs this afternoon (prep notes) then read the thesis tomorrow. Possibly dipping back into my research diary where nessessary.

I'm being examined by a top guy in the feild, which is a little daunting and I have the greatest respect for the internal. I get very nervous in exams anyway, at the moment will all the prep I have done I'm hoping to be composed enough to come across as human. Passing will be a bonus.



tigger - i completely sympathise and pleased to know someone else is in the same boat. I wish i had weeks off to prepare but I am still keeping my fingers crossed that it willbe ok
cc - well done - hope you have been doing some serious celebrating!