i agree with Dan, academia isn't really that attractive at all. You can also make a better name for yourself in you are in industry, people in your field will get to know your name more if you are successful. Not to mention, if you are successful, you will get paid a fortune compared to academia.
I think the pay scale for a senior lecturer goes up to £34k. Think how long it would take to reach that level!!! bearing in mind that the senior scale starts at £27k. Awful, you would need to get a lectruring job first (probably after 2-3 years of lowly paid post-doc work) then it would be ages before you reached senior level.
I know the salary for a senior lecturer sounds really good, but when you consider that will come a good ten years AFTER your PhD has finished. You will probably earn the same amount in half the time in industry.
Obviously I'm generalising a bit, but I doubt this is different for most fields of research