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:( Why do people behave like this?


well you know what they say, empty vessels make the loudest noise. Those with an insecurity about their ability can often feel the need to verbalise their 'knowledge' so people dont see that insecurity Ive experienced grandstanders at conferences who ask a question which is actually a long series of comments to point out how learned they are. Does my head in.
I feel for you I hate rudeness especially toward those I respect. Just put it down to experience I suppose.


So true! I was at a one-day event last week, and presentations were over-running as usual, mainly cos some gobshite who liked the sound of his own voice a bit too much was "asking questions" of every speaker. In reality he was making speeches of his own that had no relevance: and we missed our coffee break cos of it

I also hate people who don't say thank you when you hold a door or step out of their way; and people who take two seats on a train whilst other people are standing; and people who slurp on their food in public - yeurch


On this one I'm with Isaac Asimov: people who think they know everything infuriate us who do