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Waiting for AHRC news


just logging on to see how ya all holding up and if there are any whoops of joy

no news is good news... i guess. at least the sun is shining for a day out to blow away the AHRC rejection cobwebs


The cultural geographies of live music, so it's not really geography and not really musicology, it was always going to be a bit of gamble! I just assume they sent it to the music panel... and hope that it wasn't instantly disregarded by them for being 'out of their scope'!
What are you doing?


The impression I've got from the AHRC in the last couple of years is that they want to encourage as many interdisciplinary projects as possible, it seems to be a bit of a buzzword at the moment. So, doing something that stretches the disciplinary/panel boundaries is probably a good thing in terms of getting their attention. My project has been sent to panel 4 history, but it could easily have ended up going to American Studies instead.


It sounds to me (and I don't know much about these things) that it should come under music, definitely. I guess it depends which side you focus more attention on but in your case that seems to be live music. I'm doing a Masters in Applied Drama (Community Theatre). I was unsure what my panel was at first too as the course is very inter-disciplinary but the notes helped clear that up. Definitely panel 7 for me.


Wow, you're all doing such exciting stuff - makes me feel like I'm out of the dark ages... hmmmm not good possibly


And Dervish, enjoy your day - its peeing down here, not conducive to happy writing lol


I'm waiting on panel 7 myself for composition.


no post. I'm panel 8 RPM


@stressed - I'm doing law, so that has to be the most boring!


Raining here too....
I'm an archaeologist looking at prehistoric Egyptian cemetery sites, or I will be if the post ever comes....
I find it v difficult to settle until it does, only this week its been here any time between nine and two thirty.


Lol, at least when you say law people think 'profession' and 'worthwhile'. When you say that your MA is a study into the concept of communication communities in 19th C rural villages, and the Phd will be an examination as to whether working women are under-enumerated in the 19thC censuses people tend to glaze over...
I also get asked why I'm bothering and isn't an MA enough - what do I need a Phd for (well, I'd like to work in academia actually!) and if one more person says well if you do pass the Phd you won't be a 'real' dr, so why bother? I think i may turn nasty
I did point out to one such unfortunate individual who caught me on a bad day that I have to study for a minimum of 7 years for my Dr status - 'real' ones only do 6


Oh pamplemoose that sounds absolutely amazing!!! I did archaeology at A level but got sidetracked into early modern and modern history (15th-19thC) but I just find your topic fascinating. I have everything doubly crossed for you - what a brilliant topic!


I love hearing about your subjects! If anything, it reiterates how sad it is that we can't all get awards. Everyone is so passionate about what they do.


Yes it is a great shame - I'm sure its the same for all of us, but I find myself losing sleep that an area of research that I'm so fascinated in and I've been assured is of utmost importance, may never be carried out - or worse still, somebody else may end up doing it......
I also find, and again, it must be the same in disciplines across the board here, that 'the man in the street' (read parents etc lol) can't understand why we aren't studying the grand narratives and why we do these obscure topics (might have something to do with our research HAVING to be unique) lol. I'm always getting asked why I'm not studying Henry VIII's wives, or I get asked obscure things like 'oh, you're a historian, did braveheart really paint his face blue?'


Stressed - I completely agree, I think everyone here is desperate to study a subject not just because it's enjoyable but because they feel it's important. I understand about the subject expectations - I am leaving work to do my Masters and all of them have asked me the same question: "So, you're leaving to be an actress?". God no! I'm not under any illusion that I will become an actress! I want to use drama in the community, for social change, education and for therapeutic purposes. I'm doing an Applied Masters so I can go and work in the West End!