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find a supervisor or a title first? help me..

The two are inextricably linked though surely? That is, if you want to study a project with a particular theme then you need to find a supervisor who specialises in that field?

Overwhelmed with meta-analysis

Try to go on some kind of short course, it will be well worth the time invested. Meta analyses are incredibly complex (as you are finding out!) and there are many potential pitfalls. Find yourself a good statistician to advise you, your Uni should have a source of stats support for PhD students. Good luck.

Conferences - should I submit abstract without consulting anyone?

Sorry to post the only negative reply...!

If you are the sole author then you are probably ok to submit without permission. If, however, you have submitted the abstract with your supervisor as a co-author then that is potentionally a problem (as you should have got their approval first). If there will be expenses associated with you going to the conference (which you will presumably need to if your abstract is accepted) then I think you should have checked with your supervisor first too. Hopefully it will all work out though, good luck!!

How to Get a PhD - Phillips & Pugh

I agree, the books are useful...but perhaps not as useful as using the time to read a paper relevant to your PhD field! I'm a big fan of books and bought various 'How to...' type of books (get a PhD/write a paper/write a thesis/read a paper/survive viva). They were helpful for the odd thing but I mainly felt that I'd have been better off spending the time actually doing my research! However, I was pretty clued-up about the whole PhD process before I started (having spent 3 yrs in an academic lab working as a tech alongside PhD students)and perhaps if you are coming into the world of the PhD cold, then they might well be more helpful.

How to prepare for a viva

Search this forum, lots of advice and past experiences. Good luck

anyone with a chemistry brain unlike me?!
md vs phd vs pharmd

Not necessarily. What you are describing is a very traditional approach to medical education. In new medical schools (and newer thinking old med schools) student contact with patients occurs from the 1st week of study. I think it will be very hard (impossible) for you to study medicine and attend all compulsory elements of the curriculum in the hours you propose (unless, of course, you can arrange childcare). A PhD would (usually) offer you much more flexibility.

Sessional Lecturing advice needed

Your Uni will have (or should have!) some kind of Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed department who should be able to offer you help and guidance on teaching issues. Have a trawl through the staff pages on your institution web site and see what you can find. Good luck

I'm in the wrong field...


Adrastea said
"Seven years ago I dropped out of my undergrad degree in Astrophysics"

and also said
"I'm 23."

23-7=16? :-S

I'm in the wrong field...

So you were taking an undergraduate degree when you were 16? Very impressive

Dear Postgradforumteam, please read this

Hi Wickid and Sue, just saying hello!

Can i microbiology student apply for dentistry ? Where would that be?

It is part of the Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry, which is itself a joint school of the Universities of Exeter & Plymouth (so there are firmly established Universities with good reputations behind the venture). Don't worry if you've not heard of it before, it's pretty new! The first graduate dental students started their courses last week. The med school is also new-ish with the first cohort of new doctors graduating in July 07.

Can i microbiology student apply for dentistry ? Where would that be?

You can at the Peninsula Dental School, in fact, it's graduate entry only.


Looking for a Analytical PhD hopefully in HPLC

Yeah, but I was just saying to check what is essentially this site!? :-S

Looking for a Analytical PhD hopefully in HPLC

I just said to keep a close eye on FindAPhD this week for a funded studentship with lots of HPLC/LC-MS (not yet posted, just checked). As I said, not sure what my crime was as the FindAPhD site is the sister site to this (confused smiley)