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jojo's nolstalgia : a semister at a U.S. university

Well, normally people visit another lab for a few months to learn a new technique that they will then set up at their lab for their work. Normally this is a lab that your lab is collaborating with or a lab that is specialized in this technique. If you can convince your supervisor that you must absolutely learn something he/she should have no problems funding it. If this will be in the USA or in France/Netherlands/Japan will depend on what you have to learn/who can show you and not so much where you want to go.
So start looking out for something you can only learn in the US of A.

Let`s play word association

... more peas

Protein isolation advice

Sorry- it's late and I'm tired. You were talking of extraction from whole insects .... not just insect cell cultures. Gotta go home soon.

Protein isolation advice

Are you using the baculovirus system from invitrogen?? Is your protein of interest in a construct and tagged? I've expressed my proteins in SF9 cells and purified them from that ...

Dan B - attention

Well, its not that unusuall a question, no? The girls in my lab decided that I need a boyfriend and then we went through all the men in our building- 8 that's right eight were gay and only two single! Bloody hell! Talk about givin' me a break. Then they decided to hook me up to the new spanish guy working downstairs- guess what- also gay. Just took him 2 weeks to get use to us and was then showing around piccies of his friands in drag! Oh, by the way- still haven't got a boyfriend.