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academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

Aww, Bobby.... so how do you say "Happy christmas" in Cymraeg? I dimly remember going on holiday in Wales and not knowing which was the ladies.

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

Ohh, and Advent calendars. Last year I saw one in Germany with 24 different types of beer bottles! Don't know if that's sad or ingenious, though?

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

Welsh??? No- definitely German: baubles for the tree, mulled wine, x-mas songs like silent night (well, NOT the Bing Crosby & George Michael songs), ah- and having a tree in your living room! Cuckoo clocks, and little wooden angels to hand on the tree, and the best nativity scenes come from Germany. And x-mas markets, not to forget.

Welsh- defend your case!

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

A wii- please explain yourself, Sir.

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

Ah, what a relief. The FindA team are monitoring us with a loving glance & are planing X-mas presents.

Let's chat about X-mas, then. Did you know that christmas is a German invention?

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

No, you don't have to be quiet, so sorry.

How about having a nice discussion about Hamsters. What are your thoughts on these little furry animals, Sir???

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

AAAAAAArrrg - thank you HangSeng, I think we have now firmly established that you know the meaning of "pussy".

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

FindA team?? Hello? Is there anyone out there? I have now come to the conclusion that an Edit function for one's own posts would be rather helpfull ..... arrrrg

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

To my knowledge the hairless mexican dog has not caused uproars. OK, maybe you would like to tell us more about your love for playfull hairy pussy?

academic expectations for our children: pushy parents?

Have a look at the Sphinx cats then- they're absolutely hairless. Some of the breeders insist that they decend from hairless mexican cats held by the inca, ha ha.

Anyway- it's pretty sad if people say that its a "natural" mutation, therefore OK to breed with.

Sky or NTL? Which is better

My house has Sky TV- and they show "Happy Days" with the Fonze quite regularly. Question is, on which of the 999 channls .... my memory

Having a Baby

... wouldn't that come across as a bit self centred?

Having a Baby

Dan - B ecause I think it is a beautifull name. Daniella- Because there are always more girls born in our family than boys. Or I could call a girl Artemis after the protein I'm working on. Godess of hunt and child birth.

Good thing I'm not working on Cernunnos- celtic god (also known as haerne) that was turned into the devil (he has stag horns) by christianity. Or Xrcc1- then the baby would really be in trouble... na, better stick with Dan

Having a Baby

No- I'd call the child Dan or Daniella

Is someone sneaking back in under the radar????

If I remember correctly one of the reasons the FindA team made registrations mandatory was because people were talking to them selves using different names.