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boring, but please have a look!

You (together with your supervisor) are the only ones who can decide if you need more time .... but without a thesis plan (and not so much a weekly plan)I personally think this will be difficult to judge.
You don't need a publication to finish a PhD (although it makes things easier), and many students don't get one out of the PhD and still get a first postdoc.

boring, but please have a look!

I think you should write a thesis outline. Write down what each chapter should contain, what experiments are done and which still need doing. Then try to assas how much time these will take. Then go to your supervisor, show him/her your thesis plan and then mention the extention. If your plan is reasonable, she/he might even pay the fee for you.

Porn Star Name

Due to heat related massive spelling mistakes:

Jupp, hand reared four abandoned kittens with kitty milk. Complete with tummy rubs & washing with a wet flannel. Obviously they came in a cat carrier, i.e. a box.

Porn Star Name

Jupp, handreared four abandoned kittens with kitty milk. Complete with tummy rubbs & washing with a wet flanel. Obviously they came in a cat carrier, i.e. a box.

Porn Star Name

My first own moggie was called Harold- so I'll go for our first family cat: Tails Salisbury

My current cat is called Pandora .....

hot weather !

Take your laptop into the cold room & work there. We store our beer, chrisps and wine supplies in there .... Get some ice from the ice machine and put your feet into it. Alternatively, get into the ice machine.

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

err, that would be Belford University

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

Err, would anyone know what subject this "Dr" did his PhD in??? Was it a case of Bedford again.... ???? In which case we might expext an episode with the good Dr. going to a Bedford alumni charity ... and exposing the treeible trouth about Bedford, bows or not ....

Thursday's particularly silly question - Cartoons

Lamb, actually we would watch AFN (american forces network) when I was a kiddo. I also liked buying spiderman & batman comics as a child.

Claudia, no need to disappear! Und diese Biene die ich meine die heisst Maja .... kleine suesse Biene Maja .....

Andy & Lamb, you watched D&D instead of playing it???

I'm catching up on Dr Who & Rose Tyler ... but haven't seen any of the old series. Did you guys/girls really have to hide behind the sofa as a child because you were afraid of the Daleks?????

DanB, have you forgotten to take your medication today...

Alternatively there could be a new "ASk Dan the Man for plan B" forum for DanB's advice. Or how about a weekly column by DanB?

writing up - 2 months enough?

How does the 1 000 a day thing work? When I was writing the introduction, I'd read through three papers for 45 min - and end up writing two sentences. Writing the material and methods part is loads easier, so 1 000 would't seem much foe one day .....

writing up - 2 months enough?

It would also depend on how fast your supervisor is at reading/correcting the chapters you hand in.

I just ate my Phd.....

DanB- If you don't stop it lamb might smear mint sauce all over you! Watch it!

DanB, have you forgotten to take your medication today...

Hey roast- I can see your smiley!!! Can't see any of rthe others, though.

Lamb & Mia, let's start a caqt fight over DanB to keep him out of trouble? Went for a walk and 1h later DanB is becoming uberactive!

Changing name - how did you get yours?

No- Nena seems to be known as the "armpit lady" here, so yuk! And she was a one hit wonder (because she had disabled twin sons to take care of) .... anyway, why not : Heidi, Erika or Michaela????

Though- is HeidiGerman really that saucy??? Dunno ....