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Hair highlights! Color?

I am staying up tonight! Have to mark lots of papers

Hair highlights! Color?

Sylvester, I dont have MSN Can you reply to my email with something so that I have your address again?

Hair highlights! Color?

coppery coloured? I am sorry I dont know the word

I really dont know a lot about highlights (I never had) and what options exist so any information is very welcome

Hair highlights! Color?

Thanks Ann. Thats really helpful! I think I will ask about all this the hairdresser! Now I am more to the blonde side

Hair highlights! Color?

I tried to email you a while ago but did not get a reply

Hair highlights! Color?

Interesting I really didnt know that one. Have you ever been in Greece sylvester (sometimes I really wish I knew your real name ) ???

Hair highlights! Color?

Mistletoe tradition? Never heard of that!

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I dont need to see him apart from saying "Bye" before I go to Greece for Christmas because I am running an experiment with many participants (so I dont need his help at the moment), so our next session will probably be mid January. I hope that at that point I will have feelings for someone else!

Hair highlights! Color?

I havent seen him for 2 weeks and I think of him less and less anyway... Sometimes thinking of him, kind of makes me feel "sad" but most of the times I am ok.

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I am sorry to hear that! On the other hand, I admire you that you can "stop" feeling the way you felt before because you found out how she is as a person. I wouldnt be able to do that! I can never be reasonable when it comes to "love" (otherwise I wouldnt have feelings for my supervisor ). You seem to be a great guy, so soon you will tell us a story about a new love that deserves to be with you!

Hair highlights! Color?

Was she flirtatious with you? Did she imply things?

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Tell me then!

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Thanks sylvester!!! I am here should you need any "female advice"

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I really cant decide (women!)! I like both for different reasons. Help me and I will return the favor (if it goes well)

Hair highlights! Color?

So, which one do you prefer?