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simplifying presentation for the non specialist

I am presenting on Wednesday. It should be 20 mins long and 10 mins for questions.The audience will be non specialists. I created my presentation but my supervisors have said I need to simplify, which Im finding relatively difficult. Has anyone else had this problem?

how many publications do you have?

Answer to your topic question- none.

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

Well the bars I think are quite nice are steam bar, fat cat, bar 10, copa, isit, ha ha's, henry's and there is one by hilton hotel that is nice. These names might be slightly off because Im normally intoxicated when I get to them but see what you think. I guess it all comes down to personal preference on certain things (music, price, location, decor etc)
Good luck

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

Wikid Im from South Wales. There are loads of places in Cardiff where you can meet nice people. Where do you go on ur nites out? You must be going to the wrong places (Student Union being one). Get yourself to a swanky bar in Cardiff and Im sure you will be fine. If you are struggling for ideas I can tell where there are really nice places.
Good luck

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

Why dont you help out with a local football team? You would get to watch then. Didn't you have a boyfriend though or have I just touched a sore spot? Apologies if I have!

Where is everyone?

Im at Leeds. Top place, highly recommended.

anyone watching world cup?

Im Welsh and will be supporting England all the way. However, I put a fiver on Mexico months before the tournament at 50/1 so I would win 250 quid if they won it. If they do win the world cup, you heard it first hear!!!

Benchmarks after 9 months

Thank you MistaG and everyone else for commenting. My only concern with the issues raised thus far regards the supervisor's perception. I do not feel comfortable simply knowing that the supervisor is not unhappy with me. This seems a bit vague and subjective. After all, surely the PhD fundamentally comes down to one's own feelings of progress rather than that of the supervisor. Also, I have heard horror stories of people being told their work was fine by the supervisor only to find out in the transfer viva that it is not!!!

Benchmarks after 9 months

About 15000 words submitted in two reports. Why do you ask?

Benchmarks after 9 months

Hi Andy it is a scientific PhD.

DanB, I have handed in two reports to supervisors to date. Both fairly general literature reviews. That is about it as far as submission of work has gone. He said they were both fine but Im beginning to wonder if time is against me!!!

Benchmarks after 9 months

Im in the 9th month of PhD. I have to submit transfer report the end of next month which has not yet been started. I am also presenting to the faculty soon but wonder if presenting what I have found in the literature is enough.
My question to the forum is this: How do you assess your progress? Are there certain benchmarks you have used?

(Ok that was two questions)


is this normal? end of 1st year :)

Yeah I am definately in the same boat. I find Im going back and reading texts books that explain certain issues as the area Im looking at has changed dramatically since my proposal.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework!!!!!!!! I havent got a clue. Help!

Wow that seems harsh. Is that usually the case?

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework!!!!!!!! I havent got a clue. Help!

Yes I agree with the general feeling that it is an elaborate way of describing how your work is going to pan out (conceptual) and what arguements you support (theoretical). I have been dreading that they might ask me this question in the transfer report (which is still some way off) and I freeze!!!

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework!!!!!!!! I havent got a clue. Help!

What is meant by the Conceptual and Theoretical Framework? I feel that to truly join the academic 'circle of trust' I need to be able to reel the definition off with no thought (as I have recently witnessed, and I hastened to add- did not understand).