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5000 words in 9 days. Is it possible?

Fun will not be in my vocabulary this week! Thanks DJW

5000 words in 9 days. Is it possible?


I have been writing a report over xmas to greater my knowledge of the topic area I have chosen for PhD. This report was somewhat descriptive because most of the issues were new to me. Having grasped some (not all- just a few) of the concepts involved, I felt fairly happy meeting with my supervisor today (because he normally talks and I dont quite understand).
It was brought to my attention that the report should not be descriptive. I should be creating an exposition of the topic with all the original and more recent work compiled into a frameowrk so that the threads, themes and arguements are coherently addressed. Now I am panicking that the work completed thus far is a waste (and it definately will be as it can not be included in the report), but more importantly I need to write ca. 5000 words in 9 days including the finding and reading of all the relevant papers. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Can it be done?

how much work have you done today?

I have read half a paper. With this topic in mind, please refer to a new question/discussion I have just posted.


lacking lots of motivation

I am in an even worse position. I have no idea of question or direction my work is going. Difficult to explain but my supervisor has requested I complete a report that encompasses a broad topic. I see his reasoning. It will ensure I fully understand the topic. However, I am feeling it is either too difficult to condense as there is so much info or to difficult to elaborate as I would be merely skimming the surface. Argh! Do you agree that I am in a worse position?

Advice on holidays

I am sorry to contradict the advice given thus far, but I have serious doubts about not doing work over the xmas period. Is this a dangerous trait to employ? I certainly will feel like I am missing out on vital information that I might find over xmas and would probably not want to go back to work if I had a break as I am in a routine and on a roll now. My way of working may be different to the rest of you though. I devote alot of time (ie. 9 till 7) early in the week and gradually reduce the time until friday where I might do a couple of hours and then have the weekend off. So, in a way im having my time off every week I suppose! In my first year by the way

graduation, hangovers, potential for alcoholism!

Problem I have is when I have a blow out the next day is a total write off so I try to organise other things on that particular day i.e. xmas shopping.

graduation, hangovers, potential for alcoholism!

The only consolation I have I guess is that I have always been the same so its not like I am developing a dependency on booze once consumed. I just like the taste and the feeling so I have more! I probably drink once a week on average but it does always seem to end up being more of a session than I first anticipated. I dont think I could do what was mentioned previously though. have a drink and then work? No chance. The two dont marry up for me.

graduation, hangovers, potential for alcoholism!


I posted a discussion topic regarding hangovers about a week ago. Some good advice given. I have my MSc graduation coming up in a few days (first yr PhD now) and will be implementing the tactics shared. I would like to ask you all if you share a common trait I have. This may lead to a confession of alcoholism, but do any of you find it very difficult to stop drinking once started? I think I have an 'all or nothing' mentality which means after one glass of red wine, I want to drink the whole bottle (and usually end up doing just that!).

Am I being Lazy????????

Your average day includes=..............

What is a typical lazy day and what is the frequency?

Hangovers: a token of time well spent or an unpassable hurdle?

How often do you have a drink then dan? I feel like the day has been a total write off and I am just like you. Just worried that it cant be too frequent i.e. every thursday!!!!

Hangovers: a token of time well spent or an unpassable hurdle?

Does anyone else struggle working with a hangover? I have one today and have been so lazy. Im a first year so I hope it wont be too much of a problem but I think I might well have to give drink up soon because I cant deal with the consequences. And before you say the magic phrase "in moderation" this doesnt apply to me. Unfortunately I am an 'all or nothing' type of guy. Any good hangover cures that people have come accross apart from drinking water before bed (Which I never do!!!!)


Let`s play word association

yes please

picking a thesis topic

I am not far away. I am only 2 months in but still not sure of the direction to take.

Hope you it works out for you.

How old are we all ?

24 started 6 weeks ago. Im affraid I look older than 24 tho. damn!!!

free Endnote 8 download?

Hi Sue. Are you using a Remote Desktop connection? This asks for the IP address of the computer you use.