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Studying PhD in UK if your english score is lower

the reputation of these universitites and they came on the top of 500 universities in the world as well as the level of courses is the best because the best professors work in teaching,especially in Economics.Any suggestion about other good universities?

Studying PhD in UK if your english score is lower

I would thank you for exciting discussion.i wrote my master thesis in english ,which means that I can use english.But ,you know that TOEFL test or IELTS test ,as I think,do not reflect the true level of a student in english.The time restriction imposed on testtaker makes anyone nervous.The problem is that I become a headache quickly when reading.I heared that there is possibilty to take a course to improve one's language.
Anyhow,which university that offers the possibilty of taking a one-month english course.How can I get a place in universities like cambridge,oxford,Lindon school of economics ,I will study on my expense.Any suggestion?

Studying PhD in UK if your english score is lower

I want to study in UK,Ph.D in rconomics.I am searching for a university or a college that admits my application without asking for english test and taking english courses instead because I have got the score which is the lower than that of the minimum requirement to get an admission to study Ph.D.Beside,I want to know if I can take this support course,can I work on Ph.D level.By the way ,I have master dergree in economics from NHH in Norway this year.my second question if it is enoughto start Ph.D directly without taking more courses? which place is better to study? I want to study in London school or Cambridge or Oxford ,is it important to have higher marks in examination on master level to enter these universities?what is alternative bright universities?are there a Ph.D study without admision deadline? I want to study on my account ,do that help me to get priority or not?

searching for Phd in economics only by research

thank you vince and shani
noboday from UK could provide me with the name of universities that offer phd 100% by research.I know one who started phd by research in UK but I missed his address and I don't remember which university.
NB:you know there is two types of Phd.the first ,Phd by courses+research and the second Phd by research.I want the second.

searching for Phd in economics only by research

thanks vince
I have two master degrees in economics and published books about economics and also articles therefore I don't find any difficulty to write thesis because of my expereice.besides,I was working in teaching staff at university.
I don't say that I don't need a supervisor.on the contrary, I am searching for a university that accepts me as a student in the phd level but I don't want to attend courses.
if you and another people in this forum have an information about universities ,please guide me.

searching for Phd in economics only by research

thank you vince.but I don't search for phd by research through scholarship or job since it is difficult way.I will pay for univrsity if accept me.I have original unpublished thesis in economics.I am searching for a university to submit my thesis to them without attending any couarse.I think Phd entirely by research is cheapest than another Phd and rapid.where can I find official university in UK or another Europian countries ,USA ,newzeland,Australia to get this offer?
by the way,I am registered with www.moorelanduniversity.com ,but I read that this univesity is unaccredited,therefore I leave them
hlp me.
help me with information

searching for Phd in economics only by research

I don't understand? I ask for help because this sort of Phd by research exists in UK but I don't have information about which university in UK has this offer.
I still need information if one have.

searching for Phd in economics only by research

I am searching for phd in economics by research without attending courses in UK ,USA,..etc but in official universities ;not distance learning,not fake university.can you help me to find it ?how much does it cost?

thank you