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MSc dissertation: will I ever make it?

Hello, this is my fist post, and a very negative one - apologies for that.

Three years ago I started a taught MSc. I should have completed it in 2 years but had to put it on hold for a while due to difficult circumstances (I lost a close family member).

I got back to Uni last September and at first I was doing fine. Then...I don't know what happened but just before Christmas my motivation literally went to shambles. For this semester I just had 1 essay to write: I spent months panicking over it and finally decided I wouldn't even bother to submit. Then I managed to pull myself together and got it done - not the most extraordinary piece of writing, but given the premises this was all I could hope for.

Now the whole thing is starting again with my dissertation, which is due end of August. It should be an "original piece of research" but I've never done research of any kind before, never designed a 'methodology' or written a literature review (as an undergrad I studied in a non-UK institution, where we never got to write anything, not even essays).

On the one hand I think this is not me: from primary school to my undergrad years I've always been good at what I did, always up for a challenge, always prepared to stretch myself. But now that everything's turned to such a nightmare I'm starting to think that I'll not manage to submit my dissertation, that a second miracle won't happen, that I'm just not cut out for research and that basically this is the end of my academic career.

Has any of you ever experienced such feelings before? If you have, could you please help - any advice will be appreciated.