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Love, Relationships and the like

I totall agree sjo4- while doing a phd is most definitly an all consuming activity, you do need some kind of balance- while our phds have definitly put pressure on my relationship with my partner, I also realise how lucky I am to have someone there who understands sometimes I have phd worries, irrationality, and exhaustion which means I'm not always cheery. For me, that extra support fromn someone that understands has been invaluble, although I dont think to understand your partner necessarily has to be academic as well- just that they accept the pressures you're under, which I admit might be hard for some people.
Also- I think its worth remembering that while doing a phd is (probably) one of the most pressured jobs you will have, stress and pressure doesnt just dissapear when you finish, and having any stressful or demanding career will put pressure on a relationship.

Um..thats all. I think. Sorry for the rant.

Trying to quit smoking

I've always got a reason why its ok to have one....like i'm stressed, its only because im drinking, its a friday........the excuses I come up with when I want one make me chuckle, because I can really convince myself of anything.
Although- I'm pretty sure being stressed doesnt help the giving up process, especially if you use cigarettes as a bit of a stress reliever. So there probably is a right and wrong time if you're really stressed at the moment, but don't expect to be in a few months....hmm.....maybe I'm starting to use my smokers logic....

Trying to quit smoking

I know what you mean- I don't smoke much, but its a real crutch when im stressed, or have lots of writing to do. I know its really nasty habit, but I find that 5 minutes to myself having a cigarette is enough to save my sanity.
I've also tried to quit several times during my phd- I always tell myself its just the stress and once im done ill give up- but actually I doubt whether there really is a good time, its always going to be hard.
Also I love the way you refer to them as 'unofficial' cigarettes.....ever the smokers reasoning :)

Jojo's Writing Up Diary - The Race for the First Draft

Cheers- I'm currently fighting with R this week....great stuff

Jojo's Writing Up Diary - The Race for the First Draft

I'll join in- ive got drafts of two chapters done, analysing for 3 more chapters as we speak (no more data collection). Money runs out in June (eek!).
I'm too frightened to set a date though........

discouraged, family pressure, illness, lack of motivation

It might be worth adding another viewpoint here....
I think it's really important to have a work life balance. We all know how much work is needed to do a phd, and its not easy. but 3-4 years is a long time to try and sustain this. While I agree that partners have to understand there may be times when you have to work late/weekends/or any other facet of the phd process which means they might not be top of your list. But this doesnt mean you should necessarily give up on the whole idea because you can't have a relationship AND a PhD. Of course you can. Both take work, and its probably harder to sustain than if we were all working 9-5- but they may (hopefully) be around once the phd is over.
Unless of course your relationship is really making you miserable, in which case you might have to rethink, phd or not. I just dont agree the two have to be mutually exclusive.

career ideas for evolutionary biology?

I love evolutionary biology- I just dont want it to be me doing the research :)

career ideas for evolutionary biology?

I was wondering if anyone here who is also doing a phd in evolutionary biology has some career ideas? I've pretty much decided against academia, but it does seem most industry jobs are focussed on molecular biologists and biotechnology. While i've done quite a lot of molecular work, ive not been messing about with proteins and the like that they seem to look for. I quite like writing (although ask me again in six months time after writing up and i might disagree) but I'm just confused as to what I can do. I'm worried I'll end up working in a supermarket....

strange days--what is going on?!

yep, feeling rubbish as well....
yesterday i didnt leave the house as i felt so yucky. I was thinking of getting one of those dawn simulator clocks to try and wake me up in the morning....anyone got one?

Life after phd

I have been in the same position as you. I've known since my second year I didnt want to go into research, its just not for me. For me, giving up wasnt an option, I'd made it this far and I wasn't about to let it beat me. I also knew that it was something I had wanted to do, and would probably regret it if I did. However considering not carrying on with your phd is not the 'failure' that people make out it is, I actually think its a lot braver to admit that you dont want to do something than carry on because you feel you ought to.
As for jobs in industry, I'm not really sure- with 6 months to go until im hoping to finish I'm beginning to look for at least ideas of jobs I'd like, but not finding much- however I think it's probably equally difficult to get jobs in a number of sectors ,not excluding finding several post doc positions in the coming years if thats the route you want.

The waiting room in the PhD clinic

snap lynn, my neck is so stiff that even a super expensive massage couldn't sort it out......
although i dont think taking breaks is too much of a problem for me :)
I'd like to add cycling insomnia/sleeping too much, ocd (ok maybe that was there before.....) and eating too many kitkats.

Experiences of the Beginning...

At the start of my first year- I read....then I read some more...then I read a bit more...all the while not really understanding what I was doing or reading and feeling like someone was going to tap me on the shoulder and ask me to leave.
Three years on...not so much reading time, but still not entirely sure whats going on most of the time, and still not convinced the university got it wrong and it wasnt me that got position after all!
I think what I found most frustrating about that first year is that I didnt really seem to have a whole lot to do- but I 've realised now thats fine, it gives you time to get your head around your research, try out new techniques ( a number opf techniques and ideas my supervisor had about my project fell at the first hurdle) and settle in. So I'm not sure if its good advice, but i'd say don't feel too worried about not having a whole load of direction or a list of things to do- it'll come.

how long did it take you to write up?

I was just wondering how long its taken people to write up, if you have all your data ready to go? I'm most interested in science phds, but im sure there's some non scientists out there who would be interested as well.

To socialise or not to socialise?

There's office politics in every job, although it does seem to be a little worse in academic departments. The advice given here is really good. Also, don't do anything you would be embarassed about the next day....I'm sure a few of us have been there at department Christmas parties , and while a few drinks can bring everyone together, its not good to be the talk of the department....

having a panicky moment

I've got things like my general introduction to write, but i'm loath to write that if im not entirely sure whats going in my thesis. It just seems that after three years, im in no better situation than i was a year ago, and despite working hard nothing seems to be working out.
ok. sorry rant over. just needed to get it out :)