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having a panicky moment

ok, so today is panic day. In december i'll have done three years of my phd, and i've just been given an extension for 6 months (due to an on going health problem). Thing is, until I get a particular technique to work (which hasnt been working for the last year) I have very, very little data. We've provisionally given this technique til Christmas, after which my supervisor says there is some data which I helped gather during my fieldwork, and is related to what I was going to do anyway, that needs analysing and I can use that for my final three chapters. Thing is- this will be an entirely new data set, and either way it works out Ive only got 6 months to analyse and write my entire thesis. I'm really panicking, and what's not helping is my endless procrastination and tiredness (not from doing work but from worrying about it).

short chapter intro

Hi all,
I'm a bit worried about the introduction to one of my chapters. Its really short (e.g under 1000 words)
Thing is im going to have a general introduction chapter, and I don't want to repeat myself too much. But I have no idea how long an introduction to a normal chapter should be.
By the way its a science thesis.


I just did a bad talk..thinking of quiting :(

I hate doing talks as well- my mind turns into a big gaping hole when someone asks me a question. Often, a few hours later I realise that I probably could have answered the question, but nerves meant I couldn't think straight. In fact, I find it easier to give talks without my supervisor there, he also has a habit of answering the questions for me, which makes me nervous of further questions. There's no shame in saying 'Sorry, I don't know' or suggesting you can have a chat about it after the talk. One of the best talks I've seen someone give, at the end was asked a particuarly nasty question, and answered 'I'm sorry I have absolutley no idea', everyone laughed and it really lightened the atmosphere. I'm not saying you can say this for every question though!

As far as I know, most PhD students hate talks....so you're far from alone....

Anyone else ever wondered if they've been given an impossible task?

yeah its a pretty difficult situation to be in. I suppose im similar- in that although its not written into a contract or anything, this is really important- and while my superviser has a back up plan of a bucch of data that needs analysing if it were to fall through, it still needs to be done and i dont want to be the one that failed it.
We're currently trying to decide whether to carry on or cut our losses and hand me some data to analyse just so i can get a phd. At the moment this is looking pretty appealing, but seems like a waste of two years work and doesnt exactly give you a warm glow about what you've done.....

Anyone else ever wondered if they've been given an impossible task?

yes yes yes! Im currently in my third year, and still havent got a particular technique that is the focus of my entire phd to work. Its realy hard to keep yourself motivated in the face of such adversity.....i'd say stick in there and try not to panic too much, but then maybe i ought to take my own advice....

job ideas- evolutionary biology

urghh, teaching....
the word just scares me. it'd be alright if it wasnt for the kids.

job ideas- evolutionary biology

As someone whos currently in their last year of a phd, and has no interest in staying in academia- i end up dreaming a bit of different jobs i might like when i finally finish. Anyone else like to do this?
Also, Im an evolutionary biologist, and my phd involves a lot of genetics- i do enjoy lab work and genetics , but academic research is a no, and i end up getting a bit stuck as to ideas of what i can do. I think ive kind of realised that career isnt as important to me as i previously thought, but id still like to have a job i enjoy.
There are lots of biotech jobs etc out there but they seem to be looking more for protein research type people.
maybe i should just quit dreaming and finish the phd first....

final year and illness

Hi guys,
so im in my third year of a phd. Ive been suffering from really excewssive tiredness recently, ive been missing days of work, leaving early, never get in til late in the morning- then when I am in I suffer from what i can only descrive as 'brain fog',where work is really hard.
After going to the doctors he seems to think i have post viral fatigue - now whether this is just a fluffy diagnosis because hes doesnt know what or if something is wrong, i dont know, but it doesnt change the fact that im really not working 100%, and if i do push myself to work harder i pay for it for the next few days.
Im really not sure what to do- id like to speak to my supervisor, but im worried he wont understand. A friend has also suggested some time off, but im not sure if this is a good idea.
Any advice appreciated!

Shortest thesis chapter

cheers for your help- it looks like its going to be about 15-18 pages long- unfortunatly its pretty seperate from the rest of my chapter so it has to stand alone, but i think it will be ok.

Shortest thesis chapter

I'm just starting to write my first chapter of my thesis- however its pretty much a null result chapter, and therefore it seems to be fairly short.
Just wondering if anyone else has really short chapters? Its likely the rest of the thesis won't be like this- and if i add any more in its likley to just end up waffley.....

dealing with critical supervisor

Thanks for all your advice. I decided in the end not to say anything- partly beasue I bottled it but mainly because I genuinely believe it wont make much difference, at least not in the long term. Hi attitude is similar when dealing with other phd students and postdocs, so I'll just have to remember that he's not always right....

dealing with critical supervisor

yeah probably- I'm just not good at that kind of stuff, I tend to get upset too easily and I just keep thinking maybe he's not that bad, maybe its just me being oversensitive.
anyway ive got a meeting with him this afternoon where im going to have to tell him i've got something a bit wrong (nothing major, just a mix up and it wont cause any problems) but i know he's going to jump down my throat- and to be honest im just a little scared of him!

dealing with critical supervisor

Thanks- yeah I have consideredit, but I know I'd end up in tears as well and I don't think he'd know how to react.

dealing with critical supervisor

I know theres a hundred posts like this on the board- but I really am finding it tough dealing with a difficult supervisor. I'm in my third year of a phd, and throughout he has been incredibly critical of my work. He manages to always end on a negative note, even if there has been good things ive done. I know some criticism is helpful, and even i appreciate unhelpful criticism, but this isnt helping. Its almost as if its all a big competition- he worked harder during his phd, he had a worse time, etc etc. I've didnt have much confidence on my work when i started, but now I have almost zero.
Suppose i just wanted a moan. Thanks.

does anyone have a 20,000 word long chapter in their thesis?

i seem to be having the opposite of everyone here. Because i'd planned (rightly or wrongly who knows) to do a general introduction with lit review etc in it, now ive started writing my first chapter and seems really short! think ill be lucky to get to 6,000 words at a push......arghh
anyone else get really short chapters?