Overview of Bobby

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how old are all of you guys?

Happy birthday Yawny! Welcome, too.

Non supportive partners

Hmmm, that's something you really need to talk to your partner about. Why don't they like the idea? Is it a serious relationship? This could cause real problems as it will likely get tougher for the both of you when you get to tough parts in your PhD. You should discuss it with them and really get to the root of why they have a problem. x

Donut introduces herself :) Hello

Yeah I;m afraid I do, among the noise and the madness!

Statistics Advice please

...And I can't spell...

Statistics Advice please

Yup, its an unrelated t-test, really easy to do (although you need to check your data is parametric first, if not use the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney U statistic).

Not sure how you do it in your package, but its fairly basic. you then get a number (the t statistic) that you need to look up in a table (or its likely that your package will give it to you). Before you start you need to state your alpha level (i.e., 0.05, 0.001 etc) at which you decide to reject your null hypothesis should your experimental t exceed the t under the null.

That's probably not very clear, I'm blatently not a statistion!

how old are all of you guys?

I'm 22 and am pretty much the youngest too. I don't feel particularly weird about it, but then I think it depends on each individual. Everyone always thinks that I'm older than I am (not through my looks, thank God!) but because of my personality. I think my partner being a lot older, as well as all his friends, sort of puts a different perspective on things for me! All though I do think the more experience you have the better and easier everything gets.

Donut introduces herself :) Hello

I'm doing a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience. All good fun...do you live in Central London?

Statistics Advice please

Hey, what package have you used to get your stats (i.e., SPSS minitab etc)or have you done them by hand? What statistic is it?

Donut introduces herself :) Hello

Hey Donut, I'm at UCL, where are you?

Argh! Have an awful cold and an exam on monday and supervision tomorrow!

Wow Matthew you may have actually put me of anyting spongy for life...gross!!!

Argh! Have an awful cold and an exam on monday and supervision tomorrow!

Hey guys! Man o man, I wish I could sleep, all I want to do is sleep, but I can't...have soooo much to do :*(

Argh! Have an awful cold and an exam on monday and supervision tomorrow!

Hey everyone, I'm feeling really really poo - all run down and sorry for myself! I have a supervision (for which I've hardly done anything|) tomorrow and a stats exam on monday which I have to pass. Does anyone have any good ideas about how to stop my brain feeling like damp wool and to get the information in there?!

I heard caffeine's supposed to be good but I'm not sure?

Money for running experiments

Hmm, doesn't your department run a credit-based participant scheme? Well, obviously not as you're now skint! Well I think it depends on what kind of research you do, I work in Cognitve Neuroscience, so rarely need more than 12 pp per study, so I usually use my friends or just beg some undergrads from the common room! You should talk to your dept. administrator though as they must have come across this before. By the way, do you pronounce your name Sara (like Tara) or Sarah?

Teaching dressing code

Just whatever I would wear normally! Jeans etc.

Black Ethnic Minority Phd Students

Hi Matthew, yes, I appreciate that it was perhaps a bit too condescending, however, this kind of thing does really annoy me. I should have thought before I hit the add message button. However, I think that Jenny's tone was a step too far, I think that being to "READ" etc is bound to get annoying.