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The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 30 Apr 2012 13:26:05 =======
Hi Batfink!

I also REALLY hate moving. You don't realise how much stuff you have!

Anyway, I've done my goals for the day, so now it's lunch/walk doggy/house viewing/buy conference outfit. Then I'll just go through the first part of my conference presentation tonight, ready to do the next bit in the morning. So I will 'see' you all tomorrow!

The One Goal Thread

I remember the heavy bump well! What I found best was to launch myself back into everything though (i.e PhD work and we also started looking for a house to move into) so my mind was kept occupied!

I've done goals 1 and 2, so I think up until lunchtime I'll do goal 3. I then need to sort doggy out, go and see a house (as we may be moving again!) and I think I might then nip into town to hopefully get an outfit for the conference I'm presenting at in a few weeks (eek!) Feeling a bit meh today so that sounds like a good plan, then tomorrow I can crack on with the presentation and my findings chapter.

Hope all is going well!

The One Goal Thread

Welcome back Linda! How does it feel to be a newlywed?!

I've had a nice weekend off but have loads to do eugh.

Goal 1- teaching prep
Goal 2- send email
Goal 3- start learning presentation
Goal 4- start adding in links to lit for findings chapter 1

The One Goal Thread

Woohoo, goals 1 to 5 done!

Now I'm going to have lunch and this afternoon goal 6 is to hunt for the final literature I need. Then I really need to go to the gym, eugh!

The One Goal Thread

Hi Batfink, I'm here!

I was teaching all day yesterday, but don't have a massive amount of work to do today which is good. Lots of little jobs really.

Goal 1- read journal article, then edit plan for next few weeks
Goal 2- update whole phd plan
Goal 3- email sup to update on my progress
Goal 4- write q's to ask sup for next sup meeting
Goal 5- print off conference presentation ready to start going through next week

That should keep me occupied for a while!

The One Goal Thread

Doing well today; goals 1 and 2 done, but I'm not going to do goal 3 (email sup) just yet, until I've decided on a plan for the next few weeks.

So revised goal 3 is- go through links to previous lit and sort into table
Goal 4- make a plan of what to do next and what to cover in next supervision
Goal 5- email sup

Who owns my reserach data?

Quote From damned:

======= Date Modified 25 Apr 2012 11:49:50 =======
======= Date Modified 25 Apr 2012 11:49:06 =======
OK well I'll come out and apologise for my knee jerk response. I do appreciate replies to my posts.

However, I am a bit sick and tired of the supervisor as a seemingly all-powerful non-benevolent being thing, especially after reading around here and finding so many students hard done by as a result of poor supervision. And yes, I did search but did not find anyone in a really similar position.

I'm thinking of it as the same as an investment decision. If I invest a huge time and effort into something (a paper) and expect an appropriate award (acknowledgement). And if I don't believe this will happen I have no reason to comply and am just being taken advantage of.

At the end of the day I believe the PhD system is broken. I just don't want to keep it how it is by bowing to what is has become.

Well if you feel you are being taken advantage of, then perhaps raising your concerns privately with your supervisor, as opposed to taking the attitude of 'if I'm not first author you can't use my data', may be a more appropriate path to take. I think the issue you are having is that you're very personally attached to your data/potential publication (as we all are) and therefore taking a step back and approaching the issue professionally would be helpful.

And yes, you may very well believe that the PhD system is 'broken' and that you don't want it to stay how it is, but the fact of the matter is you are just a mere PhD student at this present moment in time (as am I). If you feel so strongly about this maybe you should concentrate on finishing your PhD and THEN think about tackling the whole PhD system.

Who owns my reserach data?

Quote From damned:

Wow OK then. That last comment was basically saying "bend over and take it from your supervisor as he is your God and you do not want to anger him".

Sorry, but I believe I have a spine and a bit of self respect. Sure I can graduate from my PhD with no first author publications, however having at least one first author publication makes my CV look so much better.

And NO, the person who physically sits down to write the paper is NOT the person who automatically gets their name as first author. It's the person who does the most work, including taking into account the effort of writing.

Why ask for advice when you've clearly already made your mind up about the issue? Mackem-beefy spends time replying to your concern and in your reply you basically tell him that he's talking crap and asking you to bow down to your sup? Read his post properly.

If you had taken the time to search through previous posts, you would have seen that this issue (regarding first author/not being first author/who should be first author/I don't want to submit the paper if I'm not first author) has come up time and time again on this forum. Use the search function and have a look through.

If you are desperate to be first author, despite the possibility of peeing off your supervisor which comes with all sorts of issues (one of which potentially being a bad reference from them; something a lot worse than not having a first author on your CV), then go ahead and give your sup an ultimatum.

His comment 'order to be arranged to fairly reflect contribution' is completely understandable.

The One Goal Thread

Sounds like you had a good day yesterday Batfink! I also got my goal done, in addition to doing some teaching prep and planning for a conference.

Goal 1- links to previous lit for final findings chapter woohoo!
Goal 2- read related thesis
Goal 3- email sup

The One Goal Thread

Hi all!

I got goal 1 done yesterday (just!) so today I'm doing the same thing but for findings chapter 3

Goal 1 (my all day goal)- do links to previous lit for findings chapter 3.

Good luck anyone working today!

The One Goal Thread

Morning all!

I did manage to finish the section I was working on last Friday, which meant I had a great lazy weekend. But back to it now!

Goal 1 (which will take me all day)- do links to previous lit for findings chapter 2

The One Goal Thread

Thanks for the advice Batfink :-) I am battling through, just seems like a neverending task! I've broken it down and it seems more manageable, so that's start! I'd like to get through the section I'm working on by this evening, which will hopefully mean I'll feel more confident about it all, so I can have the weekend off ready to start fresh next week!

The One Goal Thread

Oh dear Batfink, feel better soon!

I must confess, I've been avoiding this thread because I'm really struggling with my work. As you know I've written my findings chapters, but I'm combining findings/discussion within each of the 4 findings chapters if that makes sense, so I now need to make the links to previous literature. But I just don't know where to start! I've got a botch job of a literature, as well as loads of notes like 'add info from Smith 2009' scattered all over the place, and everything just seems like a mess! I've put all the key points I've made into a table, with the intention of then going through my lit review etc and putting next to each key point any literature which supports/contrasts with that key point. But it just seems like a massive task and makes me just want to ignore the whole thing :-(

The One Goal Thread

Have fun cleaning the bathroom Batfink!

I am totally bored, and I've only been back at my desk 5 minutes after taking puppy out for a big walk! This part of the write up process is obviously not doing it for me.

Anyway, I've finished goal 1, and I want to make a start on goal 2. Here goes!

The One Goal Thread

So I did have the rest of the day off yesterday and feel much better for it now! So I'm ready to crack on.

Goal 1- go through remaining findings chapters and sort tense out
Goal 2- put key points from all findings chapters into big table, ready to link to previous lit

This will take me all day I expect.

I know what you mean about so many key points Batfink; I have loads, all of which feel SO important, and having to get rid of them doesn't bear thinking about!