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The One Goal Thread


Ooh moving in with other half is exciting Batfink! And good news about your library book Linda, hehe!

I had a bit of a late night with a friend so have a banging headache today (only slightly self-inflicted), so I'm not sure how much I'm going to get done today, but I'll give it a go!

Goal 1- read everything written yesterday
Goal 2- edit section 6.2.1

Good luck today all!

The One Goal Thread

Linda don't panic, you won't have the stress I had before my wedding; my dress needed to be made smaller (woohoo!) except the seamstress took it in TOO much so it didn't fit 4 days before the big day!

Anyway, I am completely procrastinating. I WILL read this chapter now!

The One Goal Thread

Morning both, glad you had a good Easter break! My break was good too, except I officially fell off the dieting wagon (down) also meeting a friend for tea tonight so I will get back on the diet tomorrow, I promise!

Eek Linda, I'm excited for you!

I only really have until 1pm to do work today, as I've got to get ready and then travel to meet my friend. I need to start editing my third of four findings chapters, but when I'm faced with a new task it takes me ages to get started. So my goal today is really just to do something on the third findings chapter, which I can then make progress with this week.

Goal 1- read findings chapter 3
Goal 2- start editing!

Hope today goes well for you both!

The One Goal Thread

Ah yes, I did forget to mention that he is taking me out for a meal tomorrow night! Linda, your wedding is also a great opportunity to snaffle a few extra pressies out of hubby-to-be; mine bought me a massive bunch of roses (delivered to my house when I was getting ready in the morning), a thomas sabo bracelet with a wedding ring charm, and a handwritten letter (which I read and then had to re-do my makeup!)

Anyway, that's completely off topic. I've finally finished my work, woohoo! I'm now off to walk doggy, have a sleep and then get ready for tonight, exciting! Have a fantastic Easter weekend girlies, see you next week! 8-)

The One Goal Thread

Very unlikely that hubby has anything up his sleeve; we recently bought a big 45" tv so decided not to buy each other much for our birthdays (his was a couple of weeks ago), and the only plans we have for my birthday tomorrow is him taking me to asda to do the food shop (down) how romantic! I'm not bothered though, spending time with him is enough !

I've done goals 1 and 2, and so close to finish goal 3! So I'll finish that off quickly now before having a late lunch and then I will sleeeeeeep!

Hope you're all getting on okay today!

The One Goal Thread

Thanks for the birthday wishes (up) more than hubby has thought about, he hasn't even bought me a card yet!

I am literally falling asleep at my desk, no kidding. Every other line I write has a typo on it! Going to the gym really early just hasn't worked for me! I've done goal 1 though so it's now onto goal 2 which is a much shorter section to edit. I've also eaten some quavers which will hopefully give me some energy! In desperate need of a nap later but I suspect naughty puppy will have other ideas.

Hope you're both doing well!

The One Goal Thread

Morning! I was in the gym by 7.15 this morning, did an hour in there and now at my desk. Never again- I'm absolutely SHATTERED and really want to go back to bed!

Linda if I remember correctly refunds often take between 3-5 working days to come through to your account? Give the hotel a ring, I'm sure it'll be going through.

I'm really pleased with my progress yesterday, so much so that I should be able to finish editing my second findings chapter today. I'm seriously hoping that I can get it finished by lunchtime, then I can have a nap before hubby and I go to the theatre tonight (sounds very sophisticated, it's not!) (up) then it's my birthday tomorrow so I'll be doing nothing and may have the easter weekend off. Which would make it even better if I could finish this chapter today, and then start the next one next week!

So less chatting more writing for me!

Goal 1- edit section 5.3
Goal 2- edit section 5.4
Goal 3- do summary
Goal 4- sleep!

The One Goal Thread

She has a habit of hearing my first footstep upstairs, so no chance of creeping around her! Luckily she's woke up so I've had lunch. I'm now trying to get this section finished whilst puppy is eating my socks.

I can't believe snow is about, it's my birthday this Thursday and I wanted a bbq :-(

The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 03 Apr 2012 14:01:25 =======
Well puppy is still asleep and I'm reluctant to wake her, the more quiet I get the better! The only problem is she's asleep in the kitchen downstairs and I'm STARVING!

On a more positive note goals 5 and 6 are done, which means I only one more sub-section to edit before the whole section is done!

Goal 7- edit section 5.2.4

The One Goal Thread

Goal 3 and 4 are done, although I haven't had lunch yet!

Goal 5- section 5.2.2
Goal 6- 5.2.3

Not sure I'll get through all that today as I'm going to have an hours lunch break to sort puppy out, and then I can only work up until 4.30 today. So that only gives me around 90 mins left to work after lunch!

The One Goal Thread

Linda it does take a while to show up on your account. But if the hen do place has acknnowledged the mistake then it will just be processing, so try not to worry. Is it a lot of money? The hen do place may also be able to provide a written acknowledgement that the money is going through? Sounds like the writing is coming along though!

I've done goal 3 and actually I don't think goal 4 will take the whole day, so I'll start it before lunch and then finish it this afternoon.

The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 03 Apr 2012 13:23:48 =======
======= Date Modified 03 Apr 2012 11:21:57 =======
Good luck with the reading Batfink, and glad you're getting sorted Linda!

I've done goals 1 and 2, now on to goal 3:

Goal 3- edit section 5.1.2
Goal 4- edit section 5.2.1

I have a feeling that goal 4 will take most of the day to sort, as it's a big important one!

The One Goal Thread

Good to see you back Linda, tummy bugs are rubbish. Try and calm down and think about things rationally. Do you have a lot of the info to write your next chapter, or do you need to do any researching before it? If it's a findings chapters you could always get the basics together and then start theorising. Maybe try mytomatoes? I'm sure your sups will understand; everyone gets ill and it does set us back!

With regards to the money going out of your account, could it be anything related to the wedding seeing as you're so close to it now? Try not to stress about it (although I know it's hard). My mum had money taken from her account and the bank sorted it.

Today I'm starting to edit my second (of four) findings chapters today, eugh. I always find it hard to get going with it, and then once I'm in the middle of it, it's much easier! May get myself another brew and then crack on.

Goal 1- read what already written for findings chapter 2
Goal 2- edit section 5.1.1

Good luck today all!

The One Goal Thread

======= Date Modified 02 Apr 2012 12:48:47 =======
It's hard going with this chapter today! But I'm getting there. Goal 1 is done, goal 2 would have been to do the next section which is also done.

Goal 3- edit section 4.2.3 before lunch
Goal 4- tidy house for parents coming
Goal 5- do summary of chapter

That will then mean that this chapter will be mostly done, and will just need the refs to previous lit going in which I'm not going to do yet. So if I can get that all done today I'll be able to start editing the second chapter tomorrow, oh the joy!

It's hard knowing that after today I've still got to edit three other findings chapters which need serious work, eugh!

The One Goal Thread

Morning all, hope everyone had a great weekend!

I'm getting on with my first findigns chapter again today, but my parents are coming round mid afternoon so I'm not sure how much I'll actually get done today. Hubby is working late tonight though so I might work late too.

Goal 1- edit section 4.2.1