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Language/word help!

Headteacher is the head of a school in the UK. Principal I think is the same thing, but is a term used in america.

Administrator could be a number of things. Maybe would need the context.

Superintendant is a rank in the police.

Hope that helps


Well that was the fastest rejection ever! Interview 11.40, rejection email at 3.40!


I think I'll be joining you on the dole next week (if I can - I have a partner who works but only through an agency so no fixed money plus I'm doing some teaching this term - Chances are I'll be rejected).

I had an interview today that I'm 90% sure I'm not going to get. From their questions I don't think I quite have the right experience and I'm now kicking myself about how I should have answered a couple of questions.

My advice to anyone just starting a Phd to think about techniques you can incorporate into your Phd that can enhance your employability. I did structural
MRI but wish I'd insisted on adding functional MRI as that's what the jobs seem to involve.

thesis length: humanities?

Mine was neuropsychology/medical. My final word count (including all appendices and start bits) was 75, 000. My uni regulations were for a maximum of 80,000 words.

Help! Participants desperately needed

I did your survey, but I accidentally closed the page at teh end and didn't leave an email for the draw (which of curse I would win!) can I still enter it? can PM my email address and 5 digit number.

How long to write up?

Six months before my hand in I had about 15-20000 words written but no first draft of any chapter. Definitely doable if you've got some stuff written up as you go along.

Waiting for viva date to be confirmed

Saw my internal examiner in the pub last night and he hinted about the middle of november. That seems so soon! Eek!

Anyone with two PhDs?

Quote From eska:

I just realised this thread is four years old!

took me a while to see that too! This is from back when I started my (first and probably only) PhD.

Though could be pursuaded to do a D.ClinPsyc but that's not quite the same thing.

phd lengths?

My uni maximum is 80 000 and no minimum. I've just submitted and mine was around 70, 000-74,000. (75, 000 including table of contents, abbreviations list, acknowledgements, abstract, references and appendices). my friend was worried as hers was only 35,000 to 40,000 but I don't think it matters. Probably better to be a bit under (as long as you have enough data) that way too long as you don't want to put the examiners off!

Waiting for viva date to be confirmed

Cheers for the congrats :-) I am happy it's done, especially as I handed it in on my 4 year deadline (was causing panic in the postgrad office apparently as there are so few PhDers at my institution that if I'd not submitted they'd not have a sufficient number getting to completion and would have lost out on research council funding!)

But exhausted, numb and reieved sums it up!

I have grand pland for writing publications but we'll see how that goes. I'm scared to open my copy of the thesis as I know I'll find loads of errors :$ . It all seemed so rushed at the end.

Waiting for viva date to be confirmed

I'm in a similar limbo land, except I've only been here four days instead of 12 weeks! Out of interest what have you been doing? I've been so looking forward to getting to this point and now I'm here I feel a bit lost. I've spent the last two days at home and am bored already! Doesn't help that I've not found a job yet so am broke too.

All I know at the moment is my viva will be sometime after the middle of November. I partly want it over and done with as soon as possible, and partly as so scared I of the viva I just want to put it off!
Hopefully they'll get back to you soon so you can move on.

Dummy coding question

I generally thought like you with my thesis i.e. I can't explain everything that isn't directly about my thesis and could be considered common knowledge. But I haven't gone through my viva yet so who knows what my examiners will think.

On the other hand it would only take a line to say what dummy codings is. I generally did put extra explainations in if my supervisors suggested it - I didn't want to end up in a situation where I hadn't included things and then I got criticised for it.

How to stop word going crazy

I did it the way FM mentions, one chapter at a time, update endnote, save, then add the next chapter.

I expected drama and it all just worked fine and didn't take very long either. I didn't add page numbers til it was all in one document, and only formatted my headings in the final document to make a table of contents. I added a section break after each chapter so they didn't move around, and checked the formatting of everything I'd cut and pasted as some of the tables got their formatting messed up.

Writing Tips

Some really good ideas here. I didn't really do any of these things, I just sat and wrote! Might have taken less time if I'd done it in a more structured way!

I have one method bit that was quite listy so I wrote it as numbered bullet points. I also had a flow chart in my main methods section which showed the overall path followed by my participants.

I've 'lost' my thesis

Claudia - did that mean you had reference sections for each chapter?

Apparently you can link documents in word and then it can still sort things out like the contents page and endnote. I just threw everything into one big fine and fell over in shock when Word coped with it.