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Anyone in London? Can't believe the news at the moment

Much as I don't want you lot distracted, I'm glad I'm not the only one! This story has distubed me more than events usually do, and I'm not sure if it's the PhD stress coming out (Sept 30th deadline) or whether it's the sense of not knowing where it'll spread and when it'll end. There were rumours of trouble coming to my city yesterday (turned out to be a misunderstanding - people were planning to go to London Road Croydon, not London Road here!).

Need to try and switch off from this as I have a chapter I want done by the end of the week, but with every break I'm checking the news, and getting wrapped up in it again. FIngers crossed it all starts to calm down soon.

Anyone in London? Can't believe the news at the moment

I know, Clapham ia not a place I'd think would have riots/looting! Or Collier's Wood which is near where my Mum lives.


Anyone in London? Can't believe the news at the moment

I gave up on working in the end as I was spending longer on the Gaurdian website looking at the updates.

phrase change help

Wasn't the problem with split infinitives that they couldn't be done in latin (bacause 'to explain' is one word, as it is in French) and therefore were 'wrong' in English or something? I find thet grate, just because my Mum always hammered home that they were wrong. That and 'different from' instead of 'different to'.

Sorry not got any suggestion about the actual OP. Probably because the quantitative bit of my brain is going "statistics aren't everything?!"


Employment Status

I put postgraduate student for my car insurance. I didn't want them to come up with any excuse not to pay out if I needed them too!

Got the job :)))

That's fantastic news. It all seems to be coming together for you. Is the job in the same area where you've been based or require a move?

Fingers crossed for your viva next week :-)

Another paper request

Does anyone has access to this paper? I'll love you forever if i can get it! The Journal of Rheumatology May 1, 2010 vol. 37 no. 5 974-986White-matter Volume Reduction and the Protective Effect of Immunosuppressive Therapy in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with Normal Appearance by Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Experimental question (help please)


If the questions are binary are they all yes/no or positive/negative? if so you could take as the outcome, percentage of questions the participant answered yes. If they all ask about completely different things it's hard to see how you could get an outcome measure without seeing the questionnaire.

For the second part you could do use a mixed ANOVA with questionnaire type and sex or ethnicity as factors.

procrastination special: favourite pop moments...

And for a cheesy 90s number, anyone remember EYC? I hated (almost) all boybands, but for some reason liked these. No idea why!


procrastination special: favourite pop moments...

Nice thread. Loved the Korean pop (well ok I couldn't sit through any of the songs all the way through but they made me laugh!)

Thought I'd see if there were any PhD related songs out there and found the PhD blues


Experimental question (help please)

Hi, I've got a few more questions for you before I can think about this.....

Does the questionnaire provide you with numerical outcomes for each question?
Are they all asking about roughly the same thing so it makes sense to combine them into one score?
How many different groups did the survey go to?
Can I clarify, did each group get a different version of the survey? if so how different was it? you may get differences in answers from different groups based on the fact the survry was different and not on the fact the groups were different if that makes sense.

But yeah I think you could compare total score accross groups, provided you don't have lots of groups, in which case it would be difficult to see where relationships were.

For example I have a questionnaire measuring quality of life which I gave to two patient groups and one control group. I can sum the answers to all questions to get an overall measure of quality of life and then use a one-way ANOVA to look for group differences (if the survey provides ordinal data you'd need to use Kruskal-Wallis test, and if nominal chi-squared test).

Hope this helps. been sat by at the computer all day so brain a bit frazzled by now!

Deadline is this summer - let's do it together!

I've decided to finally dip my toe into this thread, having been avoiding it. I've mainly been afraid that I'd find people aiming for the same deadline (Sept 30th) a whole lot further ahead than me. Sounds silly but my most hated question right now is "so how many words do you have written?" It's up there with "what are you going to do next?"!

Anyway I've spent my Saturday sat at my desk with my laptop. My OH is away so I've been quite productive. But am working on my most hated chapter (MRI), because I feel we did things badly. I've been having lots of aagh why didn't I do things like that?! moments. Can't even criticise the previous research, becasue I think I've done things worse not better! Anyway enough about me, think I'm rambling as my longest conversation with anyone today was about 5 mins long!

Well done pink numbers. Can't wait to be at the binding stage. (up)
Hope everypne else has had a productive Saturday.


Congratulations. I hope to be there in the near futres, so it's nice to see people going through ok. :-)

Just for fun - stupid things you read in papers.

lol Keenbean. Slightly too much info there but does explain the drop out.

I have a long explaination for one participant not completing my study but have left the saga out my thesis. Maybe I should shove it in publications..............or maybe not.

Just for fun - stupid things you read in papers.

Realised to irony in a thread about mistakes and I've misspelt cohort!

Slizor (or anyone else) feel free to add things you read in things you've marked!