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Job-seeking strategy- a dilemma!

Hi Keenbean,

I'd agree with the others - worry about the potential conflict when you have the job offer rather than have it put you off over the next week. there may be other factors to consider such as what you think of the department/job when you visit and find out more about....plus at the moment academic jobs are hard to come by and having something definite lined up would be a good thing. And as somene (sorry can't rmember who) pointed out the decision making can sometimes take a while so you shouldn't have to make a hasty decision even post interview.

Also I was just wondering (feel free not to answer) is the job at a Uni on the south coast? I've just found out about an interview next week and think you are in a similar field! If it's not the same job then yes one weeks notice seems the norm!

Good luck with the interview either way.

Open tabs

haha at 100 tabs in firefox. I generally start a new sessions each time, and book mark pages I think I want to come back to. I have a lot of stuff bookmarked from early in my PhD.

On a related note does anyoe else hate the new firefox? I've gone back to internet explorer because of it. I mostly hate the fact it doesn't have the little arrow next to the back button so you can only go back one page at a time.

Open tabs

Someone was helping me look at an analysis yesterday and commented "ugh your one of those people who have hundred of tabs open at once" It got me wondering how other people work. Are you otganised with one tab at a time, or do you have hundreds, and what are the benefits of one over the other?

I currently have open Outlook (2 tabs) Internet explorer (7 tabs) one folder one word document, SPSS and a pdf. This doesn't seem like much to me!

Oh and are they called tabs? the word sounds funny in my head now!

How many days a week are you in, and do you have your own office/workspace?

I come in 3/4 days a week. I'm in an office that for the last year has had one other full time person and a hot desk. As from next week a visiting fellow will be in here and then a new full time research fellow will get my desk from June and I'll get a small desk in the corner. I;m better off than the hot desk people who will be shoved in the coffee room (one of which is a second year full time PhD who never got allocated a desk!)

The kick up the backside thread

I seriously need a kick up the backside too... you really should just get on with it. I am 5 months to the end of my forth year and I do think of the time I wasted earlier in the PhD. I also am rubbish with self appointed deadlines and my supervisors never imposed any on me. Maybe you could go to them and ask them to give you a deadline that you then have to work towards. The go out and have a nice treat!

Job applications

:-( Have been told unofficially that one of the interview panel for a postdoc at my current institution would not support appointing someone who has not finished their phd. This was a job I was encouraged to apply for by other members of the panel, and my supervisor who it would involve working with. Still reading between the lines it sounds like the others might have shortlisted me for interview so will have to see what the official answer is.

A shameless star-collecitng thread

I thought I posted on this thread last night, but evidently not! Must have been my computer preventing me from letting the forum down, the mods down and myself down :p

I have been on two stars for a while though! My comment was similar to Dunni's - must not be a helpful user :p

Job applications

Thanks for the responses. I spent Sunday doing two job applications. One I really hope for an interview as it is at my current instution and would be working with my supervisor again. Downside is I think they want someone to start soon and I've already kinda made it clear I won't be available til late summer.

There seem to be quite a few about that are suitable..... think the main things that'll stand against me are not being finished and not having publications. Two things I hope to change this summer!

I've been applying for things that have PhD or equivalent experince....by my logic having done the bulk of the work is equivalent experience! Well not sure if recruiters see it the same but oh well! I've got an interview next week for a postdoc job but not holding too much hope. I'm going to have to do a telephone or skype interview as it clashes with a conference and can't be changed.

Good luck Keenbean and Slowmo (and anyone else) with applications pending

Which database/s do you use to search for papers?

Thanks Olivia.... Unfortunately I don't have (or maybe it's I don't know!) by Athens username and password. i think my uni uses Shiboleth but that doesn't always work for me either! Will play around with google scholer though at some point.

External cancelled my viva :(

Really pleased to hear this. Good luck with the prep :-)

Job applications

Or if anyone wants to have a general chat about job applciations it can go here........ Anyone else doing them? especially interested in those who have not finished yet. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth even applying for stuff as post doc jobs want a PhD which I don't really have at the moment.

Which database/s do you use to search for papers?

I use web of knowledge as it's the only one I can really make work. I like the fact you can do combined searches to narrow don't the topic and it then links to my intitutions library and to endnote. (I@m sure you can do this with other search engines but I;ve never worked out how to make them work!)

I may investigate google scholer a bit more after this thread - but I find google links me to pubmed and I can't seem to get the full pdf from there.

Job applications

Anyone else doing them at the moment? Even though not finished I'm applying for post docs (well gotta be optimistic!) but I'm struggling with the forms. Can anyone advise, should I list Phd as current employment? Or put on fact I am currently employed as an associate tutor, though only a few hours this term? Or say currently not employed?

Form I'm doing at the moment even wants current salary ... Erm at the moment it's zero as in continuation year!

Starting Quote

I'd not really considered having a quote but now starting to see one could be useful. I won't use one unless I spot something specific over the next few months. I don't think most the thisis I've looked at have had quotes though so don't think they're necessary.

aaaaaaagh post doc interview coference clash!

Thanks Bewildered. Just had a look, uni policy says it will cover expenses due to changes outside the the control of the insured person,

But lists as an exemption

any expenses incurred as a result of the disinclination of an Insured Person to travel on or to continue an Insured Journey;

Any idea if wanting to attend a job interview come under "disinclination to travel"?

Anyway not heard back from HR so probably wont know til next Wed if interview can be rearranged :-(