Overview of catalinbond

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post christmas marking mountain :(

glad i'm not the only one then. I'm still sat in PJs in bed as it's the warmest place in the house (plus can't get distacted by the TV) may move to the living room in a bit for a change of scene when the central heating comes on.

post christmas marking mountain :(

Is anyone else swamped byone of these?
In the weeks before christmas it was easy to put the marking off as had loads of time....then time went......and now I have 35 more to mark by monday (had 68 in total so barely half way :-( )

Anyone else spending saturday night sat in marking? anyone who wants to procrastinate join this thread!

What did you want to be when you were little?

I remember clearly doing the "what do you want to be when you group up" work at primary school. I was going to be Prime Minister during the week and a pop star at the weekend!
Picked my GCSEs as though I was going to do art/design
Picked my A levels to do medicine
Applied to uni to do Psychology

Spent 4 years after graduating dithering between clinical psyc and research and ended up in research. Soetimes I think this is what I want to do and sometime want to get out of academia. Having met a lot of doctors am so glad I didn't do medicine. Not met any PMs though....hmm maybe a move into polotics should be the next step!

the post christmas chocolate mountain dilema..

am having a similar debate. I have a couple of things I'm going to keep and eat over the next few weeks/months, but also have a couple of things I just don't like (uugh darkn chocolate rum truffles) was thinking of regifting but at this time of year everyone hs an abundance of choclate the don't want. PLus have a box of thorntons I made the mistake of opening before deciding I didn't like the sound of most of them!

How many undergraduate essays can a PhD student mark on the trott before their head blows off?

yep it was clear what you meant. I put 7 but actually only managed 3 yesterday :-( that's 65 to go, so hoping to up by daily quota otherwise i'll be marking over (tree)

help with findings

something along the lines of .... although not explicitly mentioned by the particiapnts, their answers suggest that a fifth factor may also be important...

or something like that. i don't like using "I" either. In my ugrade report I got criticised for using "we" whihc suggests I don't have ownership of the work.

The Christmas Thread

I think you might have guessed it

C _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ / C R _ C _ E R :-)

help with findings

I know very little about themes etc but I think Keenbeen's approach sounds sensible. I'd be wary of putting it in as you could come under criticism for not measuring things like personality types if they turn out to be influential, but if it was included in the discussion with ideas for future work then I thnk you'll have covered yourself.

The Christmas Thread

It's so weird being referred to as catalin, my forum name is named after my cat!


_ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ R _ _ _ ER

so far no lines on the hangman's noose (up)

The Christmas Thread

nooooooooo it didn't work :-(

The Christmas Thread

| |
| O
| --|--
| |
| /|________

ok it's not great but it's the best I could do in a couple of minutes!

Now on with the game

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ E _

The Christmas Thread

I don't think I really got the hang of that game................. I scored 0! yes zero!! my cats were rubbish. Anyway I'm going to make a selection of classic cocktails, starting with a mojito. I'l swap cocktials for beer too.

Anyway anyone want to play some party games. Could start with hangman (all good parties hould hae hangman!)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _


marmite is great, but has to be thinly spead (though my OH does spread it like jam....but thankfully not for me!)

Veggiemite however blugghhh (down)

losing my mind

This thread has reminded me that I meant to complain to Tescos. A few weeks ago I got some shopping and has to use a plastic bag, the bag was so rubbish that my bottle of wine went straight through the plastic and smashed on the floor :( now I know they should be encouraging people not to use plastic bags but surely this will have the oposite effect and people will use two?!

Also speaking of maccy Ds I was in their a few years ago and a girl brought back her big mac complaining about something, I think that the bread looked stale, so they gav her another one and put the first back on the shelf to sell to someone else!!

Anyway hope some of these stories help cheer you up. I think this time of year it's so hard to get motivated. i've done basically nothign the last two days and have a pile of marking looking at me saying if you don't start on me know you'll be marking over christmas day!

finish in 3 years?

My funding runs out Oct 2010 and I really can't see my PhD being done by then. I have two main problems, the first is needing to recruit participants, which is ok but I keep putting off phoning them and I don't know why! The second is the fact that I have not written anything yet. everyone kept saying to write up as you go along but I never quite got round to doing any writing....:$

My supervisor keeps mentioning what I'm going to do next and seems :to think I'll have no problem finishing on time. I haven't quite told her I'd rather go over 3 years than stress myself out working ridiculous hours (read don't want to get in in the morning!). Anyway still gonna take some time off and enjoy the festive period (robin)