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postdoc job finding support group

congratulations on the viva. thought i'd post as this will be me soon. well this time next year the theory goes that i will be finished an will be trying to get a postdoc. not really that sure where to begin with it. what area of research are you in? i'm psychology.
best of luck with the hunt.(tree)


Ah the joy of hind sight. There are so many things I’ve done over the last two years that I look back and think why did I do it like that? If I could start over I’d have a much much better PhD at the end of it!
For what it’s worth my PhD involves cognitive testing and the vast majority of participants have been tested in noisy environments. One patient even turned up with her toddler and my colleague had to entertain him and stop him distracting mummy while I tried to test her (this little fact won’t make it into the thesis!!) I guess as long as everyone gets the same level of distraction it will even out, it’s only a huge problem if one group were tested in the noisy room and another in the quiet.
Don't beat yourself up about it and don't blurt out in the viva "oh and this is a potential confound ...." and then point out all the flaws in the study that the examiners probably hadn't even noticed! That's what I'm scared of doing anyway!

Modern art? For or against?

Personally I prefer modern art to old art (hmm maybe traditional is the better word?) :p I've been to traditional galleries and ended up getting quite bored of lots of very similar paintings. Yes they're technical masterpieces but they can all start to look the same. At least modern art is all quite different and interesting to look at. In my opinion art can be about ideas aswell as being about skill.

Lack of daily progress - identifying the reasons

My main reason for lack of progress remains the same.....I'm just no good at getting up in the moring! which means I average late morning or lunchtime as arrival time, thus losing the mornign for productive time. On the rare days I do get in early I'm tiredand generally don't feel much like working!

Sore bottom is a perfect exuse not to work! I've been getting pain in my periformis (sp?) muscle, either caused by running or by sitting down for long periods of time. Now I can't stop running so the answer is simple I'm going to have to dtop sitting at a computer....perfect excuse for an early pre christmas break (aka getting christmas shopping done while there aren't all the crowds). Hmm wonder if my sups will go with this as a good excuse for lack of work!


ithink maybe i'm a bit too lazy sometimes but i rarely work weekends and tke probably a total of 4 weeks off per year. My logic (for christmas) is the uni is shut so i won't work! maybe this year i will as now in my third year. Really should be reading way more and thinking about writing stuff.

Unproductive day!

i rolled into uni at 1.30, photocopied something. Checked my email, made one phonecall and sat listening to 7 undergraduates givin presentations on boring topics nothing to do with my PhD. I'd say that it's been pretty unproductive (though the phonecall was quite important...but seeing at it lasted about 2 mins, that is 2 mins of work on my PhD today!)

Oh and not even thinking about christmas shopping til the 20th.

What are you doing right now?

Oh no. I hate things like that. Hopefully it'll be much quicker this time as what you wrote last time will still be in your head.
I keep spending a few hours working on something then when asked if I want to save hitting "no"... :-(

What are you doing right now?

Hi, I've had a procrastination day today. Really I should be phoning potential participants to try and recruit them. Instead I'm faffing on the internet and trying to find a new housemate to move into our house.

so much to do, and such a big internet to procrastinate on! :p

Music to study by?

I tend to stick on six music if my office mates are not in. MAkes good background noise.

demanding undergraduate students

AAGH anyone else fed up of spending their time fielding all the weird and wonderful excuses UG have for missing seminars. Mine are supposed to all be doing 10 min presentations and I've had so many reasons why they can't do them this week and can they do them week 8 instead.

Or the I'm too sick to come in and couldn't get online before 3pm to tell you I won't be attending a 2pm seminar!

I have better things to do with my time than keep track of who's presenting when etc.

Anyway rant over. Email jut pinged, probably anothr excuse of why they were not here today or a plee not to have to present on friday! :-s

Anstract submission for conference - word limit

Thanks everyone. After coming back to it for another cull i'm down to 256. Having looked at last years abstracts there were a few with this many words so I'm gonna assume it's ok.

Anstract submission for conference - word limit

Hi, does anyone know how strict these things are? I'm writing a conference abstract that can only be 250 words. I have managed to prune it down from 325 to 283 today but any more and I'll start losing meaning! It's for the cognitive neuroscience society if that helps.

Anyway off to count the words from some of last years submissions!

something for the Forum admin folks... :)

and now please ignore that previous comment. I was just being a numpty i needed to scroll down a bit!

something for the Forum admin folks... :)

hello...sory to hijack thread but I had a question for admins. It won't let me start threads, when i try I just get a blank screen. ANy idea why?

demanding undergraduate students

Walminskipeasucker - funnily enough i was on that threead when you posted here.
Now really should get back to work, procrastinating rather than writing conference abstracts.....