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Age versus PhD studies

No. I am mid-40s and am in touch with people online who are in their 60s and doing a PhD.

another thing I need to get off my chest - needy friends

Quote From satchi:
hi chickpea
Friend C is worried in case she might get in trouble with the Home Office. Do you remember recently David Cameron spoke about people who live in the UK and don't speak any English? Friend C is exactly this. She can only speak very few English words, every conversation with her is a guessing game for me and we can never be without an app, obviously I can't speak Turkish. She has a horrendous life with her husband (for example makes her wash his feet EVERY night with a hot-water filled basin and towel!).

She wants to continue to live in the UK but cannot speak English and probably never will.

There is no one else here to help her.

People are nice with her and then people get tired because she can't speak English.

there's only so much I can do, and I need to stay away for my own sanity.
love satchi

Maybe there are community or campaigning groups who can give Friend C some advice about this stuff? Positive Action in Housing may know of something - they do a lot of work with refugees, but they are always campaigning for the rights of migrants and might be able to give your friend some information.

Aside from that, it is nice to help people but poor you, it sounds like things are a bit out of balance! Maybe you need to prioritise things that are fun and undemanding for a while :)

another thing I need to get off my chest - needy friends

Sounds like Friend C is putting a big responsibility on you there! Is she actually worried about her safety in some way?

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

Quote From r90:
Quote From chickpea:
I would have a good think about what you stand to gain from confessing (temporary relief of anxiety?) versus what the consequences might be.
What might be the consequences? The point of my post is to try to understand if what I've done is a actually a crime or just an exaggeration of my mind.

Well, from what you have said, the project was completed a while ago and you have no intention of publishing it. I think this means that any consequences would really just affect you, in terms of your relationships with your supervisors, who might not know what to do with the information. My personal opinion is that confessing at this stage would be a rather odd and potentially damaging thing to do.

If support is not available where you are, have you looked into online support groups for OCD and anxiety?

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

I would have a good think about what you stand to gain from confessing (temporary relief of anxiety?) versus what the consequences might be.

another thing I need to get off my chest - needy friends

Hi Satchi, I can sympathise as I have had a couple of friendships like this and they did not end well! One friend would call up at all times of day and want lengthy conversations about her woes. Nothing I could do would change things (I once got annoyed because she called at midnight looking for support over something quite trivial and I was grumpy with her, and she later said she was waiting for an apology from me!). In the end, I broke off contact with her, because there was nothing I could say that would change her behaviour. The last I heard, she was doing exactly the same sort of thing with other friends.

Another friend is a little bit like your Friend C,and cancels all the time. I have temporarily stopped seeing her (and told her why) because she has flaked out and cancelled arrangements so often, it doesn't feel like a two-way friendship - it goes from her needing support to her wanting to cancel because she feels bad, and never mind what's going on in my life! I will probably pick things up with her again at some point, but at the minute I've told her things are too busy and stressful for me to be in this pattern with her.

Sorry these stories are not very positive - you can try communicating with these friends and setting boundaries with them, but you may need to save your own sanity at the end of the day :)

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

It is difficult to know what advice to give here because people can give advice based on their research experience - however, you've also said you have OCD, and none of us knows how much all this may be preoccupying you. Are you receiving some support for OCD/anxiety? If those things are particularly bad at the moment, maybe this is not the time to be acting on your worries? To be honest, at undergrad level I would be very surprised if you were the only one not to have carried out your research properly - not that that makes it right, but it happens!

Quote From butterfly20:
Quote From r90:
Due to the limitations of the words here, I did not explain well. Please understand that I only 'made-up' the answers of the interview (and it's just only 1 interview, no a survey) after the bank refused to answer them and it instructed me to go online to their website for the answers. So the answers are mostly based on the online information of the bank... Still, I should have acted better back then... any feedback?

It sounds as though you are looking for reassurance that you're okay to keep quiet about the issue, but your more detailed answer doesn't change my view. If you ever publish this work or the bank ever see your research findings, you could get into even more trouble, as I assume that you have 'collected' this interview data without the bank signing any kind of consent form?

Perhaps the OP could clarify whether this was an undergrad project, which is my understanding. As I've said, it still doesn't mean it's 'right' to fudge data, but I do think it happens at undergrad level and also at this level it doesn't have publishing/new research consequences as it's more about learning how to do research (and learning from mistakes!).

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

It is difficult to know what advice to give here because people can give advice based on their research experience - however, you've also said you have OCD, and none of us knows how much all this may be preoccupying you. Are you receiving some support for OCD/anxiety? If those things are particularly bad at the moment, maybe this is not the time to be acting on your worries? To be honest, at undergrad level I would be very surprised if you were the only one not to have carried out your research properly - not that that makes it right, but it happens!

Feeling down and struggling

It's strange, isn't it? I kind of expected to find myself powering through things at this stage, through sheer terror of my funding coming to an end while I still only had half a thesis, but I'm still procrastinating!

Feeling down and struggling

Hi Murtof and Zutterfly

I'm in the 'six months to go/sleeping badly/constant stress' camp too! I haven't sought any treatment but have been trying to do stress management techniques I've used in the past, with mixed results this time. I just try to tell myself that my feelings are very specific to this period, and that my PhD will end, and it will end fairly soon. One thing my supervisor said was to identify my very busiest period, and to look forward to getting that out of the way and then feel that things were easing off after that - my busy period is right now as, like Murtof, I am still collecting data as well as pushing on with analysis/writing - it helps to know that an end is in sight.

Final year support thread

Google scholar is all right as it lets you see how many times an article has been cited in other papers. I mostly use my university's own library search engine - does your university's website have a library resources page? I also sometimes use Web of Knowledge (again via my university's website), which allows you to do things like search for the most widely-cited authors in your field.

Final year support thread

I did the same as you too. I found "cited by" check (on google scholar) especially useful too.

I am formally writing up my literature review chapter next month and I think I'm going to give the systematic review option a miss too.

I've been using google scholar a fair bit too, and Web of Knowledge/Science for citation searches. I think systematic reviews have their place in certain kinds of paper, where there's an attempt to cover everything that's been done on a very specific topic, but I'm trying to do more of a 'general overview' lit review so I'm allowing my searches to be a bit more free-form! I will trawl through things again though, to make sure I've not missed key authors.

MA in History worth it?

Quote From pd1598:
Someone didn't like my honest answers, Mr/s 2:2. And I don't know why I can only write two line answers that's all this site will let me do, bugs me too.

Slightly off-topic here, but I had that two line restriction when I was using Internet Explorer, and it's fine with another browser - probably some compatibility issue.

Final year support thread

Quote From Hugh:

Thanks, you too :)

I've noticed more and more students are now doing systematic reviews of literature (with key terms in databases) rather than doing it traditionally and free flow. Is that what you did?

I used key terms to get me started, but I didn't plough through all the results systematically - I just started reading papers that seemed to be the most relevant and followed different references from those papers, then went back and did slightly different searches and so on. How did you approach yours? I must admit I didn't have the patience to do a systematic review, when there can be thousands of results and you can see at a glance that most of them are not really relevant!

Final year support thread

Oh, the literature review/how much to read seems like a bit of a minefield! I wrote a literature review in my first year, and am leaving it pretty much til the end to update, so that I'll be able to go back over papers without having too many other tasks still in the way (that's the theory, anyway!). I think that as long as you make it clear that you only reviewed papers up to a certain cut-off date, it doesn't matter if something spectacular came along after that date. My problem is that I wasn't very systematic with my initial gathering of the literature, and followed trails of stuff that interested me rather than going through all the results for my key terms, so I think I have some plodding literature searches still to do!

Anyway - hope you all have a good Easter weekend :)