Overview of chrisrolinski

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The nocturnal workers' thread

Welcome back folks! 8-) The Nocturnal Workers thread, where all the cool kids work and play! 8-)

How much teaching do people do?

I am doing 2 hours as a seminar per a week as a GTA, and the prep for that. So probably a working day a week in prep + delivery.


Can I have star please? Pretty please...:-x:p

Who's a secret Trekkie then?

Quote From adam:

Sad Sad Sad :p

:-( *starts to cry)

Oh, Enterprise is on tonight on Virgin One, I believe.

Who's a secret Trekkie then?

======= Date Modified 22 Sep 2008 13:51:44 =======
Because writing anbout national identity and empire in the eighteenth-century is so much harder....

... Did you see Deep Space Nine ever? There is a region of space nearby called 'The Badlands' : it is an area of space in which energy storms or suchlike make it difficult to navigate. It is a region of space on the border of the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union. There are a few colonies on different planets here that although once belonging to the Federation had to be ceded to the Cardassian Union as terms for a peace accord. Although the Federation tried to remove its citizens - many chose to stay and illegally occupy this area. They fight the Cardassians and cause friction with the Federation whom they now mistrust and even hate. They are called the Maquis.

...meanwhile the USS Voyager is launched on a mission by Starfleet (military wing of the Federation) to The Badlands to sort things out with the pesky Maquis. They encounter a Maquis ship (the captain is Chakotay, B'Elanna, etc etc on board) which they engage but then they are both sent by the entity known as 'The Caretaker' to the Delta Quadrant 70,000 lightyears from Federation Space. Having to both fight to stay alive and with the Maquis Ship damaged/destroyed the two crews merge to join as one Starfleet crew on Voyager.

Tensions arrive because the Maquis hate the Federation whom they believe abandoned them to the Cardassians (who have genocidal tendencies when they occupy planets: c.f. Bajor in Deep Space Nine) , and Federation citizens believe they threaten to trigger a war with the Cardassians again. The Starfleet officers on Voyager have been through years of training and drilling in procedures - the Maquis crew have not. These all cause tensions.

*ahem* :$ I've never watched Startrek in my life. :p

Some of the later episodes of Voyager are fantastic, especially those that deal with Federation timeships from the 29th century! I also like episodes where they interact with cultures that are either non-humanoid, or many centuries more technologically advanced.

The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

chrisrolinski is highly strung and crepuscular. He must finish a pile of work by Friday lunchtime but is not sure if it is possible. It will be done. But to what quality?

First poll: Nocturnal Work

Just a first fun poll, and because I am an attention seeker and wanted to be the first poll. Heh.

The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

chrisrolinski does love the eighteenth-century but he doesn't think that it likes him. Their relationship looks like it might be heading for the rocks. chrisrolinski hopes he can save it for the sake of the children and animals he is writing about. :p

The nocturnal workers' thread

I am currently thinking about the afterlife of objects. I am writing and teaching about this. At 00:15 I feel like I am in a waking afterlife. Heh.

The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

chrisrolinski just laughed bitterly at his computer screen after just finishing writing a 'work to do list' to give in to his panel alongside a form of mandatory professional development hours undertaken this semester. chrisrolinski thinks that this term is going to be hellish and he wants to run away to a small swedish village on the norwegian border by the arctic circle.

The nocturnal workers' thread

Chrisrolinski makes a pathetically unenthusiastic "choo choo" sound.

The nocturnal workers' thread

Här är jag igen! Nejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj! :$:p

The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

chrisrolinski is sat here with a cup of dandelion tea filling in his departmental "skills and graduate awareness" form for the academic year, then doing more preparation for his panel. He is listening to September: Midnight Heartache.


The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

Chrisrolinski is supposed to be writing a highly original chapter on political symbolism but is actually, in fact, merely surfing and drinking tea. Please shoot him to save future embarassment in a impending panel meeting. Kthx bye.

Where is DanB?

Just like God or some of the elements on the periodic table - you can't see them, you just have to believe that they are out there, somewhere.

I believe DanB is watching from somewhere, seeing and knowing.
