Overview of chrisrolinski

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chapter due in 14 days

First chapter. Precious ideas - to be torn apart a week after submission!

chapter due in 14 days

Musy type, type, type.

Heres hoping the reprographics work! I need my images!

chapter due in 14 days

Wow - so many chapters due!!!!!

Good luck!

Does first degree have to match Phd?

You might be interested to know that there is a department in Manchester University called CHSTM. Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. Most of ther students doing MA and PhD degrees in the dept come from a science background, so that wouldn't hold you back. There is a number of students working on aspects to do with the history of computing.

They have some links with the history department at Manchester too.

My undergraduate degree in unrelated to my PhD subject.

chapter due in 14 days

Chapter due in 14 days. Must type, must type.

Enacting a written plan (at least I have a written plan this time!) is always tricky. I just get caught up in the wording rather than actually getting a word count! :-)

Animal care work - is this phd stuff?

That seems like a huge amount to have on your plate! I can see why you're concerned about walking a thin line between balancing your PhD with welfare provisions. I think it is more than a bit naughty for your grant to be inadequate to support your properly. I hope you manage to find more time for your work. Maybe you could persuade the department to borrow a technicans time for even a third of your current hours spent on basic animal management?
I feel quite guilty now I spend my days reading about animals, and looking at pictures of animals!

Animal care work - is this phd stuff?

I am sorry if I sounded curt and accusative. That wasn't my intention. I just feel strongly about the use of animals, and expect their needs to be met, and exceeded. I certainly didn't want to suggest that you are callous. If your department/ institute requires you to undertake these tasks, then they might well have to be part of your PhD process. Perhaps talking to them about extra help or clarifying your role and the role of technicans would help.

Still, at the end of the day, what better way for a research scientist to ensure the welfare of their animals than to undertake this care themselves?

Animal care work - is this phd stuff?

Also, if you are studying animal behaviour, one would have thought feeding, cleaning, and handling said animals would be valuable contact time.

Do you ever sit there, fingers pressed against and rubbing your temples and think...

Eww sausages!

Animal care work - is this phd stuff?

I am not a PhD student in the life sciences so I can't comment on the normality of your role.

But, in my opinion, since your research seems predicated on the observation of your charges, I think you are at least ethically personally responsible for seeing that their basic welfare requirements (and more!) are met. Since these animals are providing you with the 'bread and butter' of your PhD you should have every interest in their welfare.

Contact with supervisor

Formally: once a month for an hour.

Informally: Every few weeks in the corridor/walking around campus

Email: the odd email a month.

Do you ever sit there, fingers pressed against and rubbing your temples and think...

You could distract the focus group from the lack of questions with a nice packet of biscuits - and cups of tea!

Seriously I get so worried about my PhD sometimes I get dizzy and my bowels fall out!

You could ask the focus group to discuss and general topic and see what comes out of that?

What's happened to ChrisRolinksi

Yes, I was very nervous about passing so I had to put the hours in. I was relieved!

grrrrr, paying for use of pictures in theses!

I meant here payment for the physical image (or indeed, digital) without copyright with is more £!

Forum Improvments - What would you like?

We would like a function where we can have little profiles next to our usernames, for example with age, research field and so on, but of course voluntarily. Also, it might be good to see how many users are currently reading a thread, then a function to make our own little surveys, if possible. And PM (Private Messages) and editing, of course.

I second this idea Jouri!