Overview of chrisrolinski

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Last on to post on this thread wins

I'm the winner!

(for now...)

I wonder if the postgrad team could create a smiley 'resting on its laurels'?

Who is working this bank holiday?!

I'm trying to string a paper together. Sigh. Must. Keep. Working.

wriitng a research statement to introduce myself


my pet newt...anybody else have odd pets?


I like the idea of cat but I couldn't deal with the litter tray or the fur everywhere!

my pet newt...anybody else have odd pets?

I recently bought a red spotted newt and called it Linnaeus or Carl Von Linné (Swedish name). I lives in a tank on my bedside table and eats bloodworms. I've managed to stop it being quite so precious and it no longer requires being feed from tweezers and is quite happy now gulping down frozen bloodworms rather than the live sort.

Anyone else have an odd pet?

wriitng a research statement to introduce myself

I'm a bit stuck! I have to write 300 -400 words about my research for a publication that my sup edits. It is supposed to introduce myself and my research but I am struggling to hit the right tone between formality and informality since I am a student writing about myself and what I am doing, and also I don't want to give too many specific examples away. I have spend far too many days on this...

ANy advice would be VERY appreciated...

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

Surely a run over chicken would be flat though!? I suppose it would make a good chicken soup...

lol to the fusion poetry!

MSc in IT Part Time

After typing what you were looking for in Google it broughu up the following URL http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/courses/ais/ais-timetable.php?from=ais

It is a MSc Advanced Information Systems course at Birbeck, with some evening classes.

Could be worth a look. Good luck.

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

That would be quite a spectacle! If cruel.

Roadkill is fine. Be sure to wash the tyre rubber and engine oil of that 'coon before you bake it.

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

I think we are losing the thread a little here....

No birds shall be baked in any pie. Unless you happen to find a deceased seagull on the tide line...

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

Urm no. How about baking a nice butternut squash instead?

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

Nursery rhymes rock!

Yes - no baked, fried, cooked or sauted animals here!

But the handfuls of rye are okay with me as a pie filling. Though some mixed veg would bulk it up a bit.

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

...a pocket full of rye...

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

Well, you had written a post about one dead magpie. So I thought I would write a second message to make it 'two for joy' instead of the one for sorrow. And then I remembered the '4 and 20 blackbirds bake in a pie' rhyme...so added that, but made it into a postgraduate pie.

So basically it went a bit crazy on the nursery rhymes!

two for joy? [baked in a postgraduate pie]

Right. I thought it was funny in light of Sue's recent bird problem. I shant post obscure humour again.