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vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

Brown rice it is. Mother will want her baby boy to be big and stong

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

That sounds so refined!

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

I totally understand where you're coming from Sue.

My personal feeling is that because meat can be cut out healthily - I want to. As for other material goods - it might well be that leather is the least polluting material rather than oil derived plastic. Sigh. Such a quandry. It seems viturally impossible to balance things up sometimes!

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

Thanks for the jelly tips.

Yeah - I always buy free-range eggs, and I'll make sure I buy high quality organic products budget allowing. I know it is impossible to completely cut out animal products entirely (i.e. I love the leather belt I have) but at least I can work signficantly towards that line. And maybe one day I'll be a vegan - but I can't really see that happening.

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

Coolt. Thank you. Just need to track V' jelly now and then I'm sorted...

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

I've only been at it for just less than 3 weeks - so no cravings yet. Actually, already the sight of uncooked meat makes my stomach turn!

I have given up for two main reasons:

Prententious reason: I work in the are of writing cultural histories of animals and much of my reading borders on theoretical texts on what animals are in relation to us. The lack of certainty in these texts about what constitutes an animal and what we can know about them makes me feel uncomfortable eating them.

Practical Reason: I seen on tv and on the internet the condiitons many animals are raised and then slaughtered in. I don't like it.

I'm still not sure how to cut cheese out (rennet) because I need the protein but it is still about an animal. Hmmm ideal watered down?

Any idea how many students fail in a Phd!!!??? :(

I am planning on saving a bit of cash and putting it into the bank account I set up years ago as a teenager for the future (it has nothing in it!)...this is becoming my 'Northern Europe Account'. I plan to spend at least a month touring across Scandinavia with parts of Russia and Germany. I'll spend the most time in Sweden because I am more familiar with it and speak passable/vaguely inteligible Swedish. I have accrued holiday time, but plan to do it before I go into my third year. So I have a year and six months of saving and PhD to go.

Good luck with your plans too!!

PhD stipends are a rip off!

Oh god! Stories like yours make me afraid. Why academica, why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *claws at hair*

Any idea how many students fail in a Phd!!!??? :(

You're probably right - I suppose having chosen my research topic that I am personally interested in makes it easier to bear when the going is tough. I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing in my twenties though - apart from touring Northern Europe with a backpack.

PhD in the University of Oxford??

I was pleasantly suprised by my university ranking on the world and europe scales...


Not that I had reason to suspect otherwise since my supervsior is fan-friggin-tastic.

is anyone else cold?

I burnt my own personal hole in the Ozone Layer with my fan heater at Christmas. I had it under my desk, and staff would come and glow in its glory.

Any idea how many students fail in a Phd!!!??? :(

I'm only six months in, and I'm not leaving. I've given too much already.

vegetarian question....how do you get enough calories...

Thanks Tricky! lol!

404. What a star! I've printed them out for future use! Thanks.

PhD stipends are a rip off!

But then at least you have funding.

'What you should know before you begin a doctorate'

You should know that a PhD student should:

'Always kno thy place'