Overview of Claudia

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Council Tax exemption

Ours is about the same, but I make my boyfriend pay it.

How old were you when you started your PhD?

I was 21, and I'm also still 21 (til May)

Addicted to ebay

I love ebay. Might head over there in a few minutes

What I love about research ...

I get to play around with cells all day and I get paid for it!

First Year Progress

I'm 4 months in and have filled a lab book with data, read about 50 papers and have many more to read. haven't written a single thing though.

PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

I'm a full time PhD student, no teaching.

If you are doing a PhD at Cambridge


I'm great thanks - how are you getting on with the MSc? PhD is going great, really enjoying it

I'm a bit surprised you think the course was crap though.... I never found it that bad! Why did you think it was so bad?

If you are doing a PhD at Cambridge

Umm...did you graduate in 2006? I think I might know you

couple of Qs re: postgrad study

Don't let that put you off. Seriously

I've completely changed fields - got a degree in neuroscience and am doing a PhD in cardiovascular stuff! (although there are probably a lot of central concepts that apply to both areas!)

What field are you in?

still monday?? looking for reasons...

My boyfriend makes the most evil smells.

black eppendorfs anyone?

I'm in cardiovascular sciences - but I did my undergrad here too, in neuroscience

That's true though - it doesn't do an awful lot in things like neuropharmacology. It's more cardiovascular and ion channels type stuff, as well as neurodegeneration.

As for the student areas being crime-ridden... It has a bit of a bad reputation, really (probably due to silly students forgetting to lock their doors....). I've certainly never had any problems. Saying that, I haven't lived in Hyde Park or Woodhouse (look at a map if you're interested!) which are probably the worst ones, Woodhouse seeming worse than Hyde Park. Headingley is fine - I've lived there and so have loads of other people I know. Same goes for Burley Park - never had any problems.

I've moved a bit further out for the last 1 and a half years, to Horsforth. It's not a student area as such. but I'm sure it's got some affordable places. It's really nice too

Anyway, I have work to do...

black eppendorfs anyone?

Matthew, if you end up coming to Leeds let me know

Biology PhDs abroard

I can find PhD projects. I jut don't know if there is anything relevant to you.

Did anyone else put on weight, or was it just me???

I meant than

Did anyone else put on weight, or was it just me???

I was quite upset to discover thie morning that the scale read closer to 10st that 9st...