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======= Date Modified 12 Dec 2009 23:51:10 =======


======= Date Modified 12 Dec 2009 23:51:43 =======


======= Date Modified 12 46 2009 23:46:15 =======
Please accept my apologies for deleting my comments in this thread. It isn't something that I would normally do, and I understand people's opinions about it making the thread look ridiculous when all that is left are the replies. However, I really feel that I have to do this on just this one occasion, and I really hope you understand my reason why.
Since this thread, I have had a really good heart to heart with my partner. Although it will take some time to fully forgive him and finally put this problem to bed (and I know that things won't get better over night), I don't think it would be helpful for me to always be reminded of how bad I felt every time I click on the 'My Latest Post' button, because I know that it will just re-ignite my bad feelings all over again.
What I want now is to just get back on with doing my research, and actually, after having a really good chat with my bf today, I feel more motivated and I'm starting to make really good progress with my work now (FINALLY!).
Thanks again for all your kind words of wisdom.

I'd really like your moral support

...but i strongly feel that xmas is a real family time, be it your own family, or a big group of people just sharing and enjoying each others' company.

"Joy to the world....doo be doo be do"

I'd really like your moral support

How bloody strange is that? I've been planning on doing the same thing this year. I REALLY want to do that but it's been quite a tough job of convincing my bf. He just wants to spend it on our own this year.

Modern art? For or against?

I'm quite lucky really coz my uni sells them all at about a third or a half of the price. I can get the independent or the telegraph for about 40p.

I'd really like your moral support

Wow, that led me to another brilliant idea...wouldn't it be cool if we all met up for a xmas drink or meal or something?

mmm...but then again, we probably wouldn't be so honest on here if we all knew each other...

(robin) + (tree) (lights caught on fire) = (turkey)

Modern art? For or against?

tis true. It probably would have been better if they had made it out of clay or something.

Students always read the guardian for some strange reason....is it that good?

Modern art? For or against?

actually about 3 mins 13

Modern art? For or against?

at around about 3mins 39 there is a tree - not brill, but quite cool. Quite funny really, seeing as we used this as an example earlier, but I think this paper mache one is better.

Self-proposed topic

Could you spare a couple of those buckets for me KB? :-)

How enthusiastic are you about your work?

You are so lucky KB. I wish I had that feeling back. Perhaps I will soon.

I wonder though....why do human beings become so unmotivated? Why do ya get a lot of lazy buggers in this world that can't be bothered to get their arse off the sofa and do some work? Surely this isn't natural?

How enthusiastic are you about your work?

I like my subject, but oh my god my motivation is low. I wish I was rattling with excitment. Really I do.
I used to light up like that about other interests, but I suppose back then I had a really good life balance, and now I'm lazy and boring. I think the problem lies when the research becomes the only thing in your life. If there were other interesting things along side it, that also challenge you, then you have something to compare your 'research side of life' with and see just how good it is and how lucky you are to have this oppportunity, and then SMACK BANG...WAHOOO! Your motivation comes right back to you.

Hungry? Here (turkey)

Modern art? For or against?

The sand one was really cool. Did you see the western spaghetti video? Freaked me out a bit.

A teeny bit unrelated, but for any tetris lovers out there, watch this:

I'm not really a computer game fan, but I thought this was really cool.

Oh by the way sneaks, I watched the vid - great graphics on that game!

I'd really like your moral support

I am so sorry! It looks like one of those old smelly christmas cards you get from Great Great Aunty Betty! It took me ages to do that too...