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Newbie says hi (waves shyly)

eeeek scary, scary image... Derek in thong, think I may be traumatized! Mum loves the programme and used to think Derek was great, went off him in the later series tho as thought he was OTT. Cant believe that not only did Felix have my dream job, grrr, but he's not even qualified .... double grrrr!

Was anyone a 'gifted child' ?

At primary school and early high school I was really shy and didn't stand out. My mum was really determined that I would get a good education and helped me stick at it though. For some reason when it got to GCSE'S, A-levels,I guess the realisation that thigs started to count and affect my future, I started to develop academically and became a bit of a swot, in retrospect to an unhealthy degree!So got the good grades, been to the good uni's and here I am! Apparently my IQ is 133, so not doing too badly but nowhere near genuis boy! Additionally I have no common-sense and am completely ditzy!

Thank you all!

Really good to see you back,

valentines - appropriate gifts for a guy/gal you don like so much

Appreciate that I dont know the whole situation, but fom the outside have to say that giving a valentines present to this guy could kinda give him misleading signals. Far kinder to let him down gently before the day, rather than getting his hopes up.

submitted at last - can't quite believe it though

congrats fluffy monster! Well done you!

Newbie says hi (waves shyly)

As another Most Haunted fan you're more than welcome... Damm Richard Felix, he has my ideal job, paid to study History and to go on Ghost hunts, lucky b*$&%rd!

Newbie says hi (waves shyly)

ooh did someone mention most haunted

Help really needed

Ok claireabell, lovely name btw . Roopa's right, first thing you need to do is calm down! Secondly, this isn't the last minute you have a while yet, though I know it really feels like it's closing in!Thirdly, re-working you're introduction isn't that bad, I'm surprised my supervisor didn't laugh at my first draft of my intro! Pen-ultimately, if you have had set backs, getting an extension of six months or so should not be a problem!Finally, you really need to talk to your supervisor, remaining isolated and stressed is doing you no good at all, certainly it's limiting your progress. So for tonight, relax, I know it's difficult and then go and chat to your supervisors first thing tomorrow! And from me to you a big hug! D x

Degree straight to PhD

Generally I'd concurr that in social sciences it's idea to go for the Masters first. I had the oppurtunity to go straight from Ba to PhD in History. Out of personal choice I elected to do a Masters first. I'm glad I did since not only to you get the chance to develop some necessary skills, but also the chance to see if you love your subject and can stand the thought of 3-4 years more research. I discovered I loved my subject, developed my wrting style further and am now in the 2nd year of a PhD. If your supervisor says you're up to it, it's a great vote of confidence but don't feel pressurised!

Last on to post on this thread wins

awww I feel all lovey now

Last on to post on this thread wins


Newbie says hi (waves shyly)

Welcome from me as well No need to be shy we wont bite, I promise

Household Hints and Tips

have you tried hot water and bicarbonate of soda?

Working V PhD.... why am I doing this?????

If it makes you feel any better, I'm not having fun either Filling in lousy scholarship application. Got to the tricky bit ... 4 pages on my topic, methodology, progress...aaaarrghhh! It is all worth it though...think how proud we'll all be when we finish and get the damm PhD... HONEST!

News from Athina
