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What do you want for 2012?

Starting from today I have 52 weeks to get THAT job.(up)

Will it happen? I'll let you know.

Keeping it a secret

I agree Sneaks. The thing that really got to me was that I'm pretty sure my supervisor didn't read my thesis or all the chapters as I went along and I'm pretty sure the examiners were the first to read it. I'm still very uptight about the supervision or real lack of it but can't go into detail on the open forum. I think the viva is not a fair system and I've always maintained that and I think it's terrible putting someone through it (as an examiner) knowing you're probably going to fail them. It reminds me of the phrase, "setting them up for a fall". I think if a student fails, the finger should point to the supervisor because I can't see how a student would fail if their supervisor did their job properly. I really do think you'll be OK though. (up)

Keeping it a secret

Quote From ady:

I wish one particular friend would though as I would value her advice beyond all others - I'm never happy!!!

Ask them!

Who has their viva in January?

But don't try to blag it. Try to be as honest as you can throughout and remember it is alright to admit you're not sure about something.

Who has their viva in January?

You can pass on questions, Ady. Frankly, I nearly passed out during the viva and they still passed me!

open letter to academics

Tricky one. I'd have been livid had I been paying tuition fees for my 'supervision' and I can see that many academics are overworked but my supervisor, in my opinion, is very anxious to be promoted (work is the only thing in their life and I sense they're a lonely person but could be wrong) and volunteers for absolutely everything, far too much on their plate and I, for one, suffered for it. The PhD for me was not a good learning experience and I didn't feel at all inspired by my supervisor. I'd have put a complaint in had I been paying fees. They just didn't do their job, in my opinion.

Who has their viva in January?

Once it was submitted I never looked for literature relevant to the thesis because as far as I was concerned it was done. I think it would be petty for examiners to be concerned but if it's raised just make it clear you are aware of the literature, be prepared to talk about it and let them decide if you should include it in the bound copy. Don't volunteer to put it in as they may take you up on it and you'll create more work for yourself!

Who has their viva in January?

I never read one of those books Sneaks (purchased one though!) but did follow bilbo's advice which I thought was enough. You'll be fine.

Keeping it a secret

I never told a single person and think it was the best thing as it took a massive amount of pressure of me. I felt very relaxed from submission to the day before viva simply because no-one asked about it (my nerves completely went the day before but I was by myself for the whole day and so no-one clicked on as to why). Do what will get you through it.

Who has their viva in January?

Why not give a short summary of your thesis and then use the presentation to answer the 5 points that a PhD should cover? State its originality, contribution to knowledge etc. Good thinking on your part about the presentation as it gives you some control over the proceedings and could possibly help direct the questioning. You'll do fine!!!

I can think of two others, you were the third!

Who has their viva in January?

I like this forum and the support people give and receive and will admit to having a small addiction to it ,-) However, I might try to move on as I've no real reason for being here but I do get caught up on what's happening to others and their PhDs. I might call it quits after January. So who all should I be cheering on in the coming month?

Calling other PhD parents

======= Date Modified 31 Dec 2011 15:04:45 =======
Dunni73, you are one of the inspiring mums I referred to!

Happy New Year!

Calling other PhD parents

======= Date Modified 30 Dec 2011 09:53:59 =======
Some of the mums on here are very inspiring and do manage to juggle being a full-time mum (or primary caregiver to their child / children) while doing a PhD and so hopefully they'll give you good advice / tips. Try not to panic as you need your energy for other things!!!

Calling other PhD parents

Quote From Artista:

Sadly not an option for me: my parents live over 100 miles away, and are in their mid 70's. In the euphoria of accepting a funded place, I overlooked the harsh reality of managing the logistics.

Actually, you have my complete respect Artista because, in my opinion, you doing what parents should be doing, raising their children in the fullest sense. It horrifies me just how little responsibility some of the people I know or have heard of take for their children.

I hope it all works out for you.

Calling other PhD parents

In the department where I did my PhD many of the mums doing PhDs appeared to pass over parental responsibility to their parents and just focused on their PhDs for the most part.