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Thanks Ady. I think there's little point in asking for feedback because I think a lot of these posts are just advertised for the sake of it.

Viva date

The best ways Sneaks, in my opinion, as you may not have long to wait between submission and viva.

Any advice

I didn't like my topic either. I didn't go off it during the course of the PhD I just never had an interest in it from the outset but I found it more attractive than the alternative of unemployment and so went with it. I think having no interest in the topic helped in a way as I found it easier to let go of it and on a very positive note I never felt guilty when I didn't work on it! I'm with Sneaks, don't believe the hype as you don't need to have a passion for the subject in order to complete it.

I hope things work out for you.

Viva date

That's great news Catalinbond and Ady as it gives you something to work towards.


Just received a rejection email today (not even offered an interview) but at least they got in contact. In for about 6 other jobs at the minute.

3 months corrections and feeling stressed and burnt out

I can't really add anything but just to say I hope you're feeling less stressed and remember the worst of it is over (the PhD and viva). I'm sure you'll do fine with the corrections. Just hang on in there for a bit...

Can you disagree with the examiners position at Viva?

Many thanks Sneaks, that was very helpful and gives me some sense of what to expect.


Fantastic news Claudia, well done!!! I hope I join you in getting a job soon!

Can you disagree with the examiners position at Viva?

======= Date Modified 22 Nov 2011 16:13:57 =======
When given the decision at viva (pass, major corrections, minor corrections etc) if you disagree with the decision can you constructively argue against it or is it set in stone? Do you have to sign anything? Sorry for asking but my supervisor has proved useless in providing advice.


Phew...I've been told I can refuse to do placements or voluntary work for 18 months and then if I refuse it may result in my benefits being stopped. I do not intend to be unemployed 18 months from now and have been applying for a lot of jobs and will continue to do so. I'm also going through the ideas people posted on another thread to see what is viable and 18 months gives me time to develop some business ideas. I will consider doing some voluntary work but doing something I enjoy and which I feel could best benefit me and others.

paragraph spacing

We're old together Ady! I remember being surprised that people DIDN'T indent but used spacing. It does look nice in certain contexts but in a thesis I think it just makes reading more difficult and it looks like a mass of text.

paragraph spacing

I think you've hit the nail on the head Sneaks about it being the traditional way and I actually did picture your supervisor as being an older academic based on their preference.

paragraph spacing

I wouldn't even consider indenting, not sure why but I think it would look strange...

paragraph spacing

Quote From mamara:

I think one space is the norm

This is what I did. However, I've noticed some put two lines. Not sure if it matters or not but I couldn't see anyone being failed over it.

just shut up and deal with it?

Quote From akaky_akakievich:

My current daily supervisor is great. We're working together since January and I finally feel like I'm coming up with ideas and feel motivated.

It sounds very soul destroying but try to focus on the positive aspect you mentioned. You have a time frame, work hard and try to prove the department head wrong. Seriously, YOU CAN DO IT!!!