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Professional proofreading

It can be expensive and partly depends on whether they charge by the hour or word count. Could a friend or relative not do it? If you have the time to step back from your research and then come back to it you should be able to read it with fresh eyes and be able to spot typos etc you may have missed. Depends how much it means to you but personally I wouldn't pay to have it proofread.

grammatical issue with quote

I wouldn't dispute that Sneaks mum is right but a quote is a quote and should be quoted as a quote! It's wrong to do anything else, even if aspects of the quote are 'wrong'. Really this is cut and dried and there should be no debate about the right or wrong way to quote this quote. Phew......................................:p

Woo hoo!!! I'm in the top 40!

======= Date Modified 18 Aug 2011 23:44:09 =======
This is completely unacceptable I've moved from number 35 to 36. I was starry eyed but now I've tears in my eyes:-(

grammatical issue with quote

Definitely keep it as it is - it's a quote.

Self Funded PhD

HazyJane, Actually I think you are giving excellent advice and providing a sound assessment of the current situation.

Account of viva

======= Date Modified 15 Aug 2011 09:07:09 =======

Quote From BilboBaggins:

I didn't have a mock viva because the experience would probably have terrified me! It was more than enough for me to get through the real thing.

I chatted informally to my supervisor and another academic about how a viva might go. And I prepared myself by reading Tinkler & Jackson, and following their advice.

But I think in my case a mock viva would have been quite counter-productive.

I couldn't have put this better myself and these are my reasons as well. I feel quite strongly that it would be very counter-productive for me and to be honest my supervisors have always been very positive to me about me and my work (no criticisms whatsoever) and my feeling is (and I mean this in a nice way) a mock viva with them may not reflect the reality and it could well set me up for a fall, although that wouldn't be their intention. Frankly, I think they've just been too nice which has made for an easy working relationship but I don't think the viva will be as easy.

Account of viva

I haven't had my viva but I can tell you I will not be having a mock viva, even if offered one as I think it would do me more harm than good. I will take other guidance from my supervisors about questions etc. I will try to know my thesis inside out but believe this much of this is being done now with the write up and I will be guided by the five main examination areas when planning.

How to get it done while feeling down?

Hi Runner,

First of all you've come to the right place. Many on here have felt or feel as you do now. There are a number of threads running to do with accountability and thesis completion and so you might like to contribute to those, some people find these very helpful. This is a very, very difficult time for most writing up but remember the more you chip away at it the closer you get to the finish line and then you can do a runner...after you've passed the finish line. It is hard but look beyond it, realise you have the ability to get through it and keep plodding on (up)

Could someone explain why?

Thanks Mac and Bewildered. I just couldn't figure it out but you've both raised good points I think.

Could someone explain why?

Oops, I posted in the wrong section by mistake!

Could someone explain why?

======= Date Modified 14 Aug 2011 12:25:54 =======
Hi all,

I keep reading that the number of PhD's is on the rise (I get that) but that academic posts are on the decrease. I'm not so sure I understand why. I get the cuts in funding would explain many, but if many more people are going to university now and paying to do so, which seems to be the case, surely there is a greater need for academics than ever before?

Account of viva

It does KB and I'm delighted for you. You've worked really hard and especially of late and it's paid off with a few minor corrections and a new job in a new department. Great to see and I wish you all the very best!

Self Funded PhD

Just to add, although I had no intention of self-funding, a very well meaning lecturer took the time to talk me through funding and self-funding and strongly encouraged me not to self-fund for many of the reasons given by bewildered.

Self Funded PhD

Good advice and good article bewildered. Food for thought...

Aiming to finish off by 31st December! Is there anyone else?

Hi Cindrella,

Your supervisors sound great. I'm making it my business to finish mine this year and am hoping maybe to have the viva this year. I'm like you, I don't want this going into 2012.

Best of luck!