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In love with supervisor ..

Quote From francescawolfe:

I think that it's natural to feel attracted to your supervisor.

I mean no offence to my supervisor whatsoever but if they were the last person on earth I still don't think I could feel attracted to them. Nice enough person they are but I don't find them interesting to talk to or physically attractive. I feel quite sick now...

...what if I CAN'T?

Seek counselling at your university and get some training in relaxation techniques. The training does take time but you should find it helpful longer term. You CAN do it!!!

Going back to study or not?

PhD's tend to be advertised on University websites, jobs.ac.uk and findaphd.com Best to keep on an eye on these websites to see if anything appeals.

If you get funding, which I think is on average just over £13,000 (not taxed on it) it normally does not extend beyond 3 years and so you may need to factor this in when making a decision as to whether or not to do one.

It can be difficult getting secure employment after finishing a PhD and so this may be something else for you to take into consideration.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


Thanks dunni73! I didn't want it dragging on without funding and so that spurred me on.

The One Goal Thread

Sneaks, keep plugging away, you will get there!(up)

Really unsure what to do!

That was quick! Best of luck and let us know how you get on.


Excellent Ady! Time to relax...for a while!

Advice - stick or twist?

Quote From eska:

Some people do seem to complete their PhDs as though they were 9-5 jobs, in a detatched, but efficient manner. I'm part time and very passionate about what I'm doing (this is my dream) so am not one of them. I suspect time alone may tell if you can do the PhD in a detatched way; but I imagine it's hard to put up with lack of money etc for something you don't care about. I've heard of people who take funded PhD places as a way of having a job for three years, but surely there are easier ways to earn 12-15k per year, and ways which will be more fruitful in the long run? Or does your PhD place pay much more than this?

This would describe me. Although the time I spent working was more quality as opposed to quantity. When I worked I was completely focused but don't appear to have worked nearly as many hours as most and did not feel rushed even towards the end. I was gutted at not getting funding for my research interests and so just took something I felt I could do and which would get me off the dole. I've submitted now and at no time did I feel excited about my project or passionate about it but this may have helped me work as I knew I wasn't prepared to spend time on something I wasn't getting paid for and that held no real interest but I didn't want to blot my copy book in terms of references. I can't answer your question but if you are going to quit, it would be better to quit sooner rather than later.

Viva questions

Thanks billy8181 for asking this question and many thanks to Sneaks and Skig for the fantastic tips!


That's great, good for you, Skig!(up) I'm sure you'll be fine!

Really unsure what to do!

I once moved for the 'perfect job' which turned out to be my worst nightmare. You'll never know how good a job is until you're in post. However, life is short and should be well lived. Do what you think will make you most happy...

Signing off from the forum

I had noticed you had been posting much less of late and was concerned. I do hope you're OK. Your contributions have been fantastic and you have consistently been supportive and helpful.

Not sure what else to say but please do take care.

All good wishes...

Viva on Tuesday

Fantastic news, many congratulations!


DrCorinne, Yes, I felt I needed to draw a line under it and thanks for the support.

Skig, many thanks and all good wishes for when you submit.


Thanks Sneaks and Ady. I had intended to keep it for a while but didn't feel I was able to do anything else with it and so decided to submit and I feel better for it. If you feel you can improve your thesis prior to submission it's best to do so. Sneaks it's good to know your supervisor has given more feedback as it's better late than never. Ady, the hardest work for you is hopefully over.

Hang on in there!!!